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The NSW Strata Magazine | October 2021

The NSW Strata Magazine
  • Remedial repairs, restoration and cost management
  • Can tradies use the fire stars
  • Does my car space affect the number of votes I have?
  • Maintaining common property in a duplex
  • Who is responsible for a burst flexi-hose?
  • Hand sanitiser stations - how many are enough?
  • How Important is the Meeting Process?
  • Can a Committee Member Suggest How to Vote?
Click Here to Read The NSW Strata Magazine
 NSW: Annual Audits + Q&A

***Last Chance***
WA: Win 1 of 10 Tickets

To celebrate the Apartment Owners/Buyers Conference in Perth on 30 October, our friends at WAAA have offered 10 free tickets to LookUpStrata readers. LookUpStrata will be attending the day with a booth. Stop by for a chat and to pick up lots of free resources we share exclusively at live events.

Future Proofing Perth's Apartments: 8 am - 4 pm, 30 Oct

This one day event will provide apartment owners and potential owners with a wealth of information to ensure that their apartment lifestyle is easy breezy! Find out more about the event here.

CLOSING TOMORROW! Enter for your chance to win 1 of 10 tickets valued at $150. Winners Announced 15 Oct. Enter NOW!
Enter to WIN 1 of 10 Tickets

Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

QLD: Q&A Body Corporate Removing Strata Information From Noticeboard

QLD Q: If Committee meetings notices are published on a “community” website, does this satisfy the legislative requirement for the display of the Notices on the noticeboard?

Todd Garsden, Mahoneys

NSW: Two large common property trees are blocking views and sunlight in our 5 lot scheme. The majority want them trimmed, but two owners disagree and say we cannot trim the trees. How do we proceed?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata

VIC Q: Is there any way to have liabilities changed without having 100% agreement?

Tim Graham,
Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers
NSW: Q&A Accessing Strata and Owners Corporation Information

NSW Q: My apartment is undergoing major structural works. No details have been disclosed to me. Do I have any right to receive information related to my lot?

Rod Smith, The Strata Collective

NSW Q: When does a motion passed at a meeting become valid?

Andrew Terrell,
Bright & Duggan

WA Q: How have voting procedures and vote counting at a general meeting changed with the amendments to the Act?

Shane White, Strata Title Consult
QLD: Q&A Appointing a Body Corporate Manager

QLD Q: I am a lot owner of a Triplex. We are self-managed. There are so many issues that I just don't know where to start

William Marquand,
Tower Body Corporate
ACT: Common Property Boundary Lines - Class A and Class B

ACT Q: Is the owners corporation or lot owner's responsibly for maintenance and repairs of courtyards? Our plan clearly distinguishes between our balconies and courtyards. 

Jan Browne, Bridge Strata
Tower Body Corporate

Last Edition's Star Articles

WA: Q&A Access to Council of Owner / Strata Information

WA Q: As an owner of a unit in a WA strata complex, what avenues do I have to communicate concerns to other lot owners.

Shelley Fitzgerald,
Strata Alliance
NSW: Q&A Whose insurance covers damage from a leak?

NSW Q: My bathroom tiles are leaking due to bad renovation by the previous owner. If there is damage in the apartment downstairs, am I responsible?

Pierrette Khoury, Khoury Lawyers

Highlighting LookUpStrata Sponsors



Premium Strata
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Leary & Partners: quantity surveying services

Leary & Partners: quantity surveying services
Quantity Surveying Services Since 1977

LUNA – The Building Management Company

LUNA – The Building Management Company

Building and Facilities Manager

Strata Positions Vacant

State: NSW
Location/Region: Sydney
Role/Position: Strata Manager
Company: Strata Central
More Information: Strata Central Careers

State: NSW
Location/Region: Greater Sydney
Role/Position (3): Assistant Strata Manager, Associate Director, Strata Manager
Company: Strata Choice
More Information: Strata Choice Careers

Latest News

New South Wales Victoria Australian Capital Territory Western Australia

Upcoming Events:

New South Wales

LookUpStrata & OCN + Tinworth & Co: Annual Audits + Q&A
Registrations Now Open

LookUpStrata & Tim Graham, Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers: Upcoming Amendments to VIC Legislation
Registrations Opening Soon

Upcoming Events:

Western Australia

WAAA: Apartment Owners Conference - Future Proofing Perth's Apartments
PERTH: 30 Oct, 8 AM - 4 PM AWST
Tickets Available Now. See You There

SCA (WA): Limitless - CHU SCA (WA) 2021 Convention
PERTH: 5 Nov, 8 AM - 3 PM AWST
Registration Open. See You There!
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