Whitbread Insurance Brokers

ANNOUNCEMENT: Strata Managers

Good News! If you attended a LookUpStrata Webinar recently, you may be eligible for SCA CPD points. Contact us to obtain proof of your attendance at the session/s: administration@lookupstrata.com.au
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Nikki, Liza and The LookUpStrata Team

The NSW Strata Magazine

  • Accessing Records from Over 10 Years Ago
  • Surprise! Magnesite Flooring
  • Visitor Parking Fines
  • Electronic Smart Locks and Fire Safety
  • 5 Steps to Deal with a Barking Dog
  • Who Pays For the Dilapidation Report?
  • Can We Pay A $40,000 Special Levy In Full?
  • When You've Got a Condo Commando in Your Building
Click HERE to Open Your NSW Magazine
NSW: Are Your By-laws Valid? + ByLaw Q&A WEBINAR

Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

NSW Q: Our committee passed a resolution giving away common property for an exclusive use storeroom. Is this correct? How would I go about correcting this.

Tim Sara, Strata Choice
QLD: Q&A Body Corporate Decision Making

QLD Q: At a recent Committee Meeting, our committee overturned a 2017 General Meeting Motion to adopt electronic voting. Can they lawfully do this?

Todd Garsden, Mahoneys
Property Audit & Assurance
QLD: Q&A Renting, Selling or Reallocation - Exclusive Use of Common Property

QLD Q: In a retail arcade, can an owner / tenant use the common area space immediately outside the front of their retail shop?

William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate
WA: Q&A Votes, the Voting Period and Unit Entitlements

WA Q: If I own 3 units, what are my voting rights at an AGM or any meeting?

Shane White,
Strata Title Consult
VIC: Q&A Clear COVID-19 Guidelines for Owners Corporations

VIC Q: In Victoria, does the government organise to deep clean the property if it is identified as a site with a COVID-19 positive case?

Wal Dobrow, COVID-19 Plans
ACT: Q&A Difference Between House Rules, Rules and ByLaws

ACT Q: How do you get the by-laws for your unit's plan? How do you register new by-laws? How do you make changes to the by-laws?

Nina Cannell,
Signature Strata
WA: Q&A Council of Owners Spending Limits and Setting the Budget

WA Q: Who has the final say over the Council of Owners budget and how monies are expended from an administration account?

Scott Bellerby,
B Strata
NSW: Q&A Short Term Letting, Airbnb and Coronavirus

NSW Q: Does a hosted short-term rental accommodation premises need to be registered? Does a hosted STRA premises need to comply with the fire safety standards?

David Bannerman, Bannermans Lawyers
QLD: Q&A Management Rights - Caretaking and Letting Agreement + Extensions

QLD Q: Our BC believes we meet requirements of Section 130 to review the remuneration payable under our caretaking and letting agreement. What are our next steps?

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
NSW: Extraordinary New Health Orders Mean Strata Managers and Secretaries MUST Update Strata Rolls NOW

NSW: Extraordinary New Health Orders Mean Strata Managers and Secretaries MUST Update Strata Rolls NOW

Amanda Farmer,
Your Strata Property

Last Edition's Star Articles

QLD: Q&A Management Rights - Caretaking and Letting Agreement + Extensions

QLD Q: Our body corporate has a 25 year Caretakers Agreement. Why isn't more detail of the payment shown on the Balance sheet or notes?

William Marquand,
Tower Body Corporate

VIC WEBINAR: How to Alter Your Plan of Subdivision + Q&A WEBINAR | Sept 2021

Tim Graham,
Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers

Highlighting LookUpStrata Sponsors



Support Our Site Sponsors
The LookUpStrata Directory
Vision Strata Services

Vision Strata Services
Your local Strata Firm based on the Gold Coast QLD

Strata Guardian

Strata Guardian

Fight low returns and rising levies with us.


Strata Training and Consulting
Noble Management Group

Noble Management Group

We offer premium services in Facilities Management


WA: Remedial Works Projects + Q&A Webinar
WEBINAR: 29 September, 10 AM AWST

Registrations Open: Register Here

Bruce McKenzie from Sedgwick joins Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss remedial works projects in WA Strata Schemes. Bruce will also be addressing questions from our WA audience, specifically around caretaking agreements and extensions.

Find out more about Sedgwick HERE.

Strata Positions Vacant

State: NSW
Location/Region: CBD, Inner West & Eastern Suburbs
Role/Position: Trust Accountant
Company: Premium Strata
More Information: SEEK Job Listing

State: NSW
Location/Region: Sydney
Role/Position: Strata Manager
Company: Strata Central
More Information: Strata Central Careers

State: NSW
Location/Region: Greater Sydney
Role/Position (2): People & Culture Associate, Assistant Strata Manager
Company: Strata Choice
More Information: Strata Choice Careers

Latest News

New South Wales Queensland Victoria

Upcoming Events:

New South Wales

LookUpStrata + Bannermans Lawyers: Are Your By-Laws Valid? + By-Law Q&A
WEBINAR: 23 Sept, 10 AM AEST
Registrations Now Open

OCN: Renovations – Rights and Regulations
WEBINAR: 29 Sept, 1 - 2 PM AEST

LookUpStrata + Cannon + Co Law: Caretaking Agreements and Extensions + Q&A
Registrations Now Open

Upcoming Events:

Western Australia

LookUpStrata + Sedgwick: Remedial Works Project + Q&A
WEBINAR: 29 Sept, 10 AM AWST
Registrations Now Open

SCA (WA): Strata Insurance in WA

SCA (WA): Strata Fundamentals: Budgeting and Finance

BENTLEY: 7 Oct, 9 AM - 12 PM + 1 - 4 PM AWST

WAAA: Apartment Owners Conference - Future Proofing Perth's Apartments

PERTH: 30 Oct, 8 AM - 4 PM AWST
Tickets Available Now. See You There
NSW + Queensland

Bannermans Lawyers + Hynes Legal: NSW vs QLD: The Ultimate Strata Law Contest
WEBINAR: 21 Sept, 3:30 - 4:30 PM AEST
Registrations Now Open
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