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The QLD Strata Magazine | August 2021
  • Apartment living: Dealing with noise from upstairs neighbour
  • How many motions per year?
  • Safety compliance for playgrounds
  • Setting a precedent to deny solar installs
  • When should Committee Members declare a Conflict of Interest?
  • How often should we conduct safety inspections of the common property?
  • Body Corporate Committee Members are Undervalued
  • Loneliness and Social Isolation
Read The QLD Strata Magazine | August 2021

Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

NSW Q: What is the Duty of Care of the Strata Committee in Response to COVID?

Nick Dobrow, COVID-19 Plans

QLD Q: What can the Body Corporate Committee do about a lot owner from hell?

William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate

QLD Q:  Does the committee have the power to restrict access to common property? If so, how should this be done?

Chris Irons, Hynes Legal

NSW WEBINAR: High Performing Strata Committees | August 2021

Rod Smith, The Strata Collective
Tower Body Corporate

WA Q: Will insurance companies refuse to offer insurance for a complex unless the new 10 year plan is instituted by the council of owners?

Tyrone Shandiman, 
Strata Insurance Solutions

QLD Q: Is it law in Victoria to have a 10 year building plan and who would do this?

Gregor Evans,
The Knight
PSC Property Lync Insurance Brokers

ACT Q: The commercial lots in our mixed-use building are struggling to trade. Can these spaces be converted into residential lots?

Calli Fenwick, Signature Strata

NT Q: For a duplex, what is considered common property. We insurance and water bills and there is a plumbing leak.

Rob Harris,
Northern Territory Strata Management

QLD Q: Can a committee member nomination be withdrawn once submitted?

Alanna Hill, Mathews Hunt Legal

NSW: Is an Owners Corporation Responsible for Repairing Lot Property?

Adrian Mueller, JS Mueller & Co Lawyers

Last Edition's Star Articles

NSW Q: What are the rules around visitors and non-residents bringing pets onto common property and into the building? This might be friends coming to visit residents or short term letting with Airbnb.

Adrian Mueller, JS Mueller & Co Lawyers

QLD Q: A lot owner would like to remove a bylaw so they can convert their garage into a warehouse set up for a home occupation. Is this possible?

Todd Garsden,

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NSW: Are Your B y-Laws Valid? + By-Law Q&A
WEBINAR: 23 September, 10 AM AEST

Registrations Open: Register Here

Don't miss the discussion about valid by-laws when we are joined by David Bannerman, Bannermans Lawyers. David will also be addressing your NSW Strata Q&As. The discussion will address:
  • Impact of invalid by-laws and their effect
  • Developments regarding the recent Court of Appeal invalidating the no pet’s by-law
  • The knock-on effects to other types of by-laws such as prohibiting hard surface flooring or other sorts of activities such as short-term letting or smoking
Find out more about Bannermans Lawyers HERE.

Strata Positions Vacant

State: NSW
Location/Region: Sydney
Role/Position: Strata Manager
Company: Strata Central
More Information: Strata Central Careers
State: NSW
Location/Region: Greater Sydney
Role/Position (5): Strata Manager, Assistant Strata Manager
Company: Strata Choice
More Information: Strata Choice Careers
State: NSW
Location/Region: CBD, Inner West & Eastern Suburbs
Role/Positions: Assistant Strata Manager
Company: Premium Strata
More Information: SEEK Listing

Latest News

New South Wales Victoria

Upcoming Events:

New South Wales

City of Sydney - Strata Skills 101: Dealing with Defects in Strata
WEBINAR: 25 August, Midday AEST

Grow Your Wellbeing
WEBINAR: 25 August, 1 - 2 PM AEST

City of Sydney - Strata Skills 101: Why you need a Strata Search
WEBINAR: 27 August, Midday AEST

Upcoming Events:


LookUpStrata + Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers: How to alter your plan of subdivision + Q&A
WEBINAR: 9 September, 10 AM ACST
Registrations Now Open

BCCM: Building Format Plan Maintenance
WEBINAR: 24 August, 2 PM AEST
Australian Capital Territory

OCN (ACT) + SCA (ACT): Public Forum - Combustible Cladding
WODEN: 8 September, 6 - 8 PM AEST
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