Premium Strata

Latest Articles From the LookUpStrata Blog

QLD: Q&A Body Corporate Voting Rules - What You Can and Can't Do

QLD Q: I have a variety of questions about the voting process, number of votes, whether the vote is valid and what to do when one owner holds the majority of the votes.

William Marquand,
Tower Body Corporate
NSW: Q&A Use of Disabled Parking in Apartments

NSW Q: Our building's 1 disabled parking spot has a locked bollard. The key has been given to a disabled tenant even though her unit comes with a parking space. Are strata allowed to do this?

Warwick van Ede, JS Mueller & Co Lawyers
Westside Fire Services
NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

NSW Q: Can the owners corporation make verbal approvals of the major work by-law?

Carlo Fini,
Lewis & Charles Lawyers
WA: Q&A Making Strata ByLaws (Post WA Strata Reforms)

WA Q: Are dogs allowed in a strata apartment complex pool area? Should we have a strata bylaw about this?

Shane White, Strata Title Consult
Strata Insurance Solution
QLD: Q&A Renovations, Altering Common Property and Changing the Appearance of the Lot

QLD Q: Although our renovations have been approved, the committee is questioning whether a change is "structural" and requires an engineers report.

Todd Garsden,
NSW: Q&A The Right to Access Your Strata Lot

NSW Q: Our strata manager allowed a Pest Company to attend my lot without notifying me. Can I report the Strata Management Company for organising unauthorised access to my lot?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata

VIC: JobKeeper, JobTaketh Away: SCA (Vic)’s push for targeted state government support in 2021-2022 budget

Gregor Evans,
President, SCA (Vic)
QLD: Owner Improvements

QLD: Owner Improvements

Owners need to be mindful that they can't go ahead and make whatever changes they want to their lot. This article outlines what the law says about making improvements to your property.
Michelle Scott, Commissioner for BCCM
Tower Body Corporate

Last Edition's Star Articles

NSW: Q&A Keeping Pets in a Strata Building

NSW Q: Would it be okay if a NSW pet bylaw required people to get approval from the Strata Committee before they permitted an animal in the building?

Adrian Mueller, JS Mueller & Co Lawyers

QLD Q: I came home to find a large red No Smoking sign on the wall directly in front of my apartment's front door. How can I get this removed?

Chris Irons, Hynes Legal

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Blackburne Strata Management


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Australian Strata Services Directory
Lifestyle Clotheslines

Lifestyle Clotheslines
NAT: Australia’s premium clothesline and washing line supplier & installer

Quality Building Management
Quality Building Management
NAT:  Keeping Strata Complexes safe and legally compliant


NAT: Strata Insurance Q&A WEBINAR
Webinar: 29 April 10 AM AEST

Later this month, we will be joined by Strata Insurance Solution's Founder, Strata Insurance Expert and regular LookUpStrata contributor, Tyrone Shandiman to talk about all things Australian Strata Insurance. 

We will be sending an invitation to our subscribers in the coming weeks. Attendees will be able to submit their questions, so be sure to watch out for registration.

Find out more about Strata Insurance Solutions HERE.
VIC: Ask Us Anything (Strata) Q&A WEBINAR
Webinar: 11 May 2 PM AEST

Next month, we will be joined by The Knight's Managing Director and President of SCA Vic, Gregor Evans to talk about all things VIC strata. 

We will be sending an invitation to our VIC subscribers in the coming weeks, so be sure to update your preferences HERE. Attendees will be able to submit their questions, so be sure to watch out for registration.

Find out more about The Knight HERE.

Strata Positions Vacant

State: WA
Location/Region: Perth
Role/Position: Strata Manager & Assistant Strata Manager
Company: Realmark Real Estate
More Information about the Roles: Seek Listing

Latest News

New South Wales Victoria
Western Australia

Get Involved

NSW Government - Help shape the future of strata laws in NSW

More than one million people in NSW are being invited to have their say on how laws can be changed to improve the experience of the growing number of people living and working in strata communities.
Read more about it here: Help shape the future of strata laws
Submissions close 7 April 2021
: Now includes additional survey about keeping pets in strata

Upcoming Events:


LookUpStrata + Strata Insurance Solutions: Strata Insurance Q&A 
WEBINAR: 29 April 10 AM AEST
Stand By for Registrations

2021SCA Australia and New Zealand Conference: Share the Vision
Adelaide Convention Centre: 22 - 23 June 2021
Western Australia

Perth City Farm: A Guide to Solar Power Retrofits in Strata Complexes
Perth: 15 April 2021, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Upcoming Events:


LookUpStrata + The Knight: Ask Us Anything (VIC Strata) Q&A 
Stand By for Registrations
New South Wales

City of Sydney: Growing fruit in the city
Alexandria: 10 Apr, 10 - 11:30 am + 
1 - 2:30 pm AEDT

City of Sydney Council and Waverley Council:
Getting solar power approved for your strata building
WEBINAR: 29 Apr, 1 pm AEDT
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