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ACT: Q&A Privacy Act: Can a Strata Manager Refuse to Provide Lot Owner Details to the Executive Committee?
Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Question: Can a strata manager supply an Owner’s Executive Committee with contact details of the complex’s owners or are they restricted by the Privacy Act?
NSW: Q&A Unbalanced Strata Unit Entitlements Affecting Maintenance
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: One family owns 61% of our scheme and use their strata unit entitlements to block the committee and let the scheme run down. Would this situation be classed as dysfunctional?
QLD: Q&A A Show Cause Notice and Recovering Monies from Developer
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: To recover monies used to comply with a Show Cause Notice in our near new building, who files a claim against the developer? The body corporate or the individual lot owners? Also, if it is the latter, do they do it by way of a class action?
NSW: Q&A Accurate Meeting Minutes + Venue for the AGM
Rod Smith, The Strata Collective
Question: Lot owners from NSW are wondering about accurate meeting minutes, if the AGM can be held off site and how much notice is required for a general meeting.
NSW: NCAT Changes the Rules for Expert Evidence in Strata Disputes
Adrian Mueller, JS Mueller & Co
NCAT has recently changed the rules that apply to expert evidence in most strata cases. These changes relax the rules relating to expert evidence and make it easier for opinions to be given by experts in a quicker and cheaper way.
New Proposed Legislation Publicly Released in WA
Taryn Linfoot, Blackburne Strata Management
The recent release of the proposed amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1985 and the new Community Titles Act is a momentous occasion in Western Australia, and one being welcomed by industry leaders.
NSW: “Appearance of the lot” – In keeping with the rest of the building
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
In the recent NCAT decision the Tribunal was required to determine the meaning of the words “in keeping with the rest of the building” in by-law 17 (Appearance of the lot) and whether the rear garden area of the lot was included in the definition of “building” within the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (“SSMA”).
Last Edition's Star Article
QLD: Q&A Suing other lot owners for lack of garden maintenance
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: I very dissatisfied with the level of garden maintenance and the apparent apathy of our committee. Can I claim compensation from the other lot owners?
Aust Wide: Empower Your Vision
With over 35 years’ experience, Whitbread is one of Australia’s largest independently owned insurance brokers, specialising in insurance solutions for Residential Strata, Commercial Strata, Common Ground Liability and Landlord insurance.
Our company focus is to deliver the highest standard of workmanship, using the best suited materials to ensure delivery of appropriate repair methods and materials for any one project. Concrete repairs | Building façade restoration | Waterproofing and more..
Everything you need to know about July 1 property changes
Sophie Foster, The Courier-Mail
BIG changes are afoot in the property market starting July 1 — and here’s your quick guide to it all from buyers collecting tax for ATO to higher land taxes.
WA: Mandurah ranked the quickest FHB path to apartment ownership in Greater Perth: Domain
Property OBserver
Mandurah is the quickest way to unit home ownership.
NSW: Have Your Say on Short Term Letting
A message from Karen Stiles, OCN:
State Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, has launched a petition to have short term letting debated in NSW parliament. He needs 10,000 signatures. They must be original signatures so people need to print, sign, and mail/drop off to his office.
We urge NSW LookUpStrata readers to sign, put up in their lobbies, and share with their committees and other lot owners.
Independent MP Alex Greenwich: There has been a strong supportive response to my petition calling for owners corporations the authority to control short term letting in their building, including to place limits beyond state controls or to ban the practice outright. If you support this approach, please sign and collect signatures. Print petition HERE.
QLD: Have Your Say on BUGTA
A message from Department of Justice and Attorney-General:
Before making any decisions about possible changes to the BUGT Act, the Queensland Government would like to hear your views about QUT’s recommendations.
You are invited to provide feedback on QUT’s recommendations to harmonise some provisions of the BUGT Act and the BCCM Act to provide bodies corporate operating under the BUGT Act with a more contemporary body corporate legislative framework.
Consultation closes on 24 August 2018.
Find out more HERE.
WA: Have Your Say on Strata Fees
WA Apartment Advocacy is conducting a Survey on Strata Fees.
This survey is for lot owners: both owner occupiers and investors.
The survey can be completed HERE. Results will be published via the WAAA site next month.
NSW: Report a scheme not complying with window safety device requirements
To report a strata scheme that is not complying with the window safety device requirements, send an email to windowsafety@finance.nsw.gov.au along with the following information:
- your name and contact details
- the address of the strata scheme
- the managing strata agent's name and contact details (or Secretary's details, if there is no managing agent).
Australian Capital Territory
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