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QLD: Q&A Suing other lot owners for lack of garden maintenance
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: I very dissatisfied with the level of garden maintenance and the apparent apathy of our committee. Can I claim compensation from the other lot owners?
NSW: Q&A Changing Unit Entitlements to a More Equitable Allocation
Andrew Terrell, Wellman Strata
Question: In our new building, NCAT has issued an order for changing unit entitlements to a more equitable allocation. We assumed our strata company would send the order onto Council, however they stated this is not their responsibility.
QLD: Q&A Car Park Storage. Furniture ... tyres! I want this rubbish gone!
Todd Garsden, Hynes Legal
Question: Lot owners store furniture and rubbish in our car park. I want car park storage to stop. Our Body Corporate will not assist. What do I need to do?
SA: Q&A Who can sign cheques? A Tenant (son of an owner)?
Tony Johnson, Horner Management
Question: The lot owner’s son has moved into an apartment as a tenant. Can this tenant be added as a cheque signatory? Is this up to the Bank to authorise?
NSW: Q&A Appointing a New Strata Manager Before End of Contract
Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: I require information on appointing a new Strata manager before the 12 month contract period is up. Our Strata manager rarely replies to emails and seldom ever replies to messages whether they are left on their mobile or sent via email.
10 Thing To Do Before Signing Up To Host on Airbnb
Daniel Hunt, Ace Body Corporate Management and
Colin Grace, Grace Lawyers
You know the pros and cons. You’re interested in getting more from your investment. And fundamentally, you’ve decided it’s for you. Here’s a helpful checklist of the things you should be doing as an apartment owner before letting your property out on short stay sites.
Last Edition's Star Article
NSW: Q&A Can Common Property Tree Maintenance be Shifted to Lot Owners?
Andrew Terrell, Wellman Strata
Question: Can the Owners Corporation vote to have tree maintenance transferred to a lot owner? The large planter box is currently common property.
QLD: Safety & Maintenance Reports
Inspection and Reporting of Common Area Work Health & Safety + Maintenance matters. Investigations and business management functions on project work-groups, safe work programs for Investigations, Risk, and Drug & Alcohol Testing programs.
Aust Wide: Chartered Accountant & Business Advisors
With 30 years’ experience in the strata sector we have a reputation for always going the extra mile for our clients.
From routine tax and audit compliance to specialist advice, we offer peace of mind that your statutory obligations are fully covered.
NSW: Have Your Say on Short Term Letting
A message from Karen Stiles, OCN:
State Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, has launched a petition to have short term letting debated in NSW parliament. He needs 10,000 signatures. They must be original signatures so people need to print, sign, and mail/drop off to his office.
We urge NSW LookUpStrata readers to sign, put up in their lobbies, and share with their committees and other lot owners.
Independent MP Alex Greenwich: There has been a strong supportive response to my petition calling for owners corporations the authority to control short term letting in their building, including to place limits beyond state controls or to ban the practice outright. If you support this approach, please sign and collect signatures. Print petition HERE.
QLD: Have Your Say on BUGTA
A message from Department of Justice and Attorney-General:
Before making any decisions about possible changes to the BUGT Act, the Queensland Government would like to hear your views about QUT’s recommendations.
You are invited to provide feedback on QUT’s recommendations to harmonise some provisions of the BUGT Act and the BCCM Act to provide bodies corporate operating under the BUGT Act with a more contemporary body corporate legislative framework.
Consultation closes on 24 August 2018.
Find out more HERE.
NSW: Report a scheme not complying with window safety device requirements
To report a strata scheme that is not complying with the window safety device requirements, send an email to windowsafety@finance.nsw.gov.au along with the following information:
- your name and contact details
- the address of the strata scheme
- the managing strata agent's name and contact details (or Secretary's details, if there is no managing agent).
We sometimes receive interesting questions into the site which aren't quite long enough to create a post. We thought we'd share some here. We recently received the following question:
Q: We are just about to have our first extraordinary general meeting.
We elect our committee members.
I guess this is the meeting where we change bylaws as well.
We have noticed the body corp managers have a contract stating the management fees can be increased.
There is a CPI increase plus a formula as a percentage as well.
How does a new committee change the fees with the body corp manager?
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal replied:
A: If the contract has been entered into, it is done. The only way it can be varied is if both sides agree.
I would also add that CPI increase are very standard in these style of contracts.
Australian Capital Territory
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