LookUpStrata regularly conducts Strata Webinars with industry leaders to discuss topics of interest for our WA audience of lot owners, strata industry professionals and the broader WA strata community. Regularly, these strata webinars feature Q&A sessions where the panelist/s answer WA questions that have been submitted by our audience either leading up to or during the session.
WA Strata Titles Act Review: Insights from Landgate & Industry Experts | Greg McGuire, Principal Policy Advisor at Landgate, and Jamie Horner from Empire Strata and REIWA Strata Chair – March 2025
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here:
- 5-year Review of Strata Titles Act 1985 by Greg McGuire, Landgate
- WA Strata Titles Act by Jamie Horner, Empire Strata Management & REIWA
Jamie Horner
Empire Estate Agents
E: JHorner@empireestateagents.com
P: (08) 9262 0400
Greg McGuire
E: customerservice@landgate.wa.gov.au
P: (08) 9273 7373
WA: Peace in Your Strata: Prevent & Resolve By-Law Breaches | Luke Downie, Realmark Strata – June 2024
Does dealing with by-law breaches feel like a constant battle? You’re not alone! Many councils spend countless hours trying to enforce rules and resolve conflicts. But what if there was a better way? During this session, Luke Downie from Realmark Strata shows us how.
While many of the daily activities in each position differ, there is also overlap. Sometimes conflict exists between strata and property managers, but Jamie and Ashleigh are here to champion a better way! Is there an opportunity for these two professions to work together for the greater good and better strata living? What do you think?
Luke provided the following practical strategies:
- Prevent By-Law Breaches: Luke focused on proactive measures to stop problems from arising in the first place
- De-escalate Tensions: Learn effective communication techniques to address situations calmly and constructively.
- Actionable steps! We concentrated on tips you can use immediately to create a more harmonious community.
Resources mentioned during the session
- WATCH WA: Antisocial behaviour in strata – Luke Downie, Realmark Strata. June 2023
- WATCH Financial Control – Better Budgeting for your Strata Scheme – Luke Downie, Realmark Strata. May 2022
- WATCH NAT Bullying in Strata: The signs, the facts and some solutions – Chris Irons from Strata Solve. Aug 2023
- How to Build a Community of Practice (with Examples) Thinkific
- Community Building Resources Communities at Work
- How To Build Community And Why It Matters So Much Forbes
- Five tips for creating a thriving strata community Realmark
- Fostering Community Engagement: The Key to Enhancing Strata Property Values Strata United
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here: By-Law Breach Resolution and Enforcement.
Luke Downie
E: ldownie@realmark.com.au
P: 08 9328 0999
WA: Strata Manager vs Property Manager? Working together for better outcomes | Jamie Horner from Empire Strata Management + Ashleigh Goodchild from PM Collective – Nov 2023
Jamie Horner from Empire Strata Management and Ashleigh Goodchild from PM Collective joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss two vital real estate roles – the strata manager and the property manager.
While many of the daily activities in each position differ, there is also overlap. Sometimes conflict exists between strata and property managers, but Jamie and Ashleigh are here to champion a better way! Is there an opportunity for these two professions to work together for the greater good and better strata living? What do you think?
Jamie and Ashleigh cover:
- What each role entails – including similarities and differences.
- How they deal with the same challenges
- How strata managers and property managers feel about each other
- What can a Strata Manager do to bridge the divide?
- What can a Property Manager do to bridge the divide?
- Some examples of communication that could have been better, with a discussion on what better looks like.
Resources mentioned during the session
- Strata Title Act 1985 Section 37 Schedule of unit entitlements – Previously Section 14 Unit entitlement of lots
- WATCH WA: What have we here? It’s a strata plan! – Shane White from Strata Title Consult. Aug 2023
- WATCH WA: Financial Control – Better Budgeting for your Strata Scheme – Luke Downie from Realmark. May 2022
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here: Strata Manager vs Property Manager? Working together for better outcomes.
Jamie Horner
Empire Estate Agents
E: JHorner@empireestateagents.com
P: (08) 9262 0400
Ashleigh Goodchild
PM Collective
E: ashleigh@socorealty.com.au
WA: What have we here? It’s a strata plan! | Shane White, Strata Title Consult – Aug 2023
Shane White from Strata Title Consult joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to guide us through reading your strata plan.
Shane has real examples of different types of strata plans and what makes them different. We talk about the basic features of a strata plan and where to look for them and explore restrictions of use, boundaries, common property and maintenance.
Learn why it’s crucial to seek clarification if you’re uncertain about any aspect of your plan. Discover the importance of gathering comprehensive information before signing that sales contract!
Shane covers:
- Types of Strata Plans
- Strata Boundaries
- Example of a Boundary Definition
- Location Plans
- Floor Plans
- Example of unit entitlement values
- The Schedule of Encumbrances
- By-laws & Management Statements
- Restrictions – Now Section 21
Resources mentioned during the session
- Strata Title Act 1985 Section 37 Schedule of unit entitlements – Previously Section 14 Unit entitlement of lots
- WATCH WA: When you’re buying a strata title property, know what you are buying into – Shane White, Strata Title Consult. 2019
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here: What have we here? It’s a strata plan!.
Shane White
Strata Title Consult
E: shane.white@stratatitleconsult.com.au
WA: Antisocial behaviour in strata | Luke Downie, Realmark Strata – June 2023
Luke Downie from Realmark Strata joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss antisocial behaviour in strata.
Luke provided some actionable guidance for both lot owners and strata managers dealing with antisocial behaviour. These included some useful scripts to get the conversation started plus pointers for both strata managers and lot owners.
We explore the types of behaviour becoming more common in Strata Complexes and strategies geared towards effective resolutions. Sometimes, spending a bit more time at the beginning of an issue can save lots of time in the long run. One big piece of advice – during the early stages of dealing with antisocial behaviour, rely less on email and more on face to face or phone conversation. It may initially take a little longer, but the problem will usually be resolved faster than if the sole communication method is emailing back and forward.
Luke covers:
- What is antisocial behaviour?
- How it impacts Strata Companies
- Some of the underlying causes of this behaviour and how understanding these can assist in a quicker resolution.
- How technology can hinder and/or assist in bringing about a resolution.
- Tips on the best approach based on the situation.
- When to seek external help in resolving the behaviour and what help is available.
Resources mentioned during the session
- WEBINAR WA: Financial Control – Better Budgeting for your Strata Scheme – Luke Downie, Realmark. May 2022
- WATCH NAT: Challenge Accepted: Challenging People In Strata – And How To Deal With Them – Chris Irons, Strata Solve. Feb 2023
- Contact Details for a Mediator: Chris Irons, Strata Solve
- Factsheet: National Debt Helpline – Levy Debt
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here: Antisocial Behaviour in WA Strata.
Luke Downie
E: ldownie@realmark.com.au
P: 08 9328 0999
WA: The “naked truth” – Retrofitting EV Charging Stations in Strata buildings | Scott Bellerby, B Strata and Damien Moran, Energy-Tec – March 2023
Scott Bellerby from B Strata and Damien Moran from Energy-Tec join Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss the future of Electric Vehicles in WA strata buildings.
With the take-up of Electric Vehicles on the rise, our Strata scheme’s private car parks will become the EV charging stations of the future.
Car parks are the convenient and practical location for EV charging. Retrofitting EV charging stations is a new and potentially complex process for strata communities. Schemes need to be well equipped to deal with requests for installing EV charging stations at properties.
Damien and Scott reveal the “naked truth” about how the energy network configuration in a scheme directly impacts energy billing, who pays, how much and the savings opportunities!
They outline the key steps for an energy roadmap towards an equitable EV charging solution.
During the webinar, Scott talks about:
- Trends & Challenges
- Legislation & Compliance
- EV Charging Integration into your Scheme’s Electricity Network
- Risks & Safety
- Key Messages
Resources mentioned during the session
- WEBINAR Getting Ready for your AGM – Meeting Governance – Scott Bellerby, B Strata. June 2021
- Videos, Whitepapers and Case Studies: Energy Billing and Embedded Networks – Energy-Tec
- Electric Vehicles – Fire and Rescue NSW
- Enhancing safety for emergency responders at electric vehicle traction battery fires – EV FireSafe
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides can be accessed here: Retrofitting EV Charging Stations in Strata.
Scott Bellerby
B Strata
E: scott.bellerby@bstratawa.com.au
P: 08 9382 7700
Damien Moran
E: damien.moran@energy-tec.com.au
P: 08 9382 7700
WA: Getting Ready for your AGM – Meeting Governance | Scott Bellerby, B Strata – October 2022
Scott Bellerby from B Strata joins Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to investigate the Council’s role during and leading up to meetings, including how a Council should prepare for their AGM. What do they need to consider regarding new legislation or potential changes to existing legislation? Scott will be outlining correct governance around convening both Council Meetings and General Meetings of the Strata Company.
During the webinar, Scott talks about:
- The framework of an AGM and a Council meeting.
- The munites of the AGM – what they can tell you, how detailed they should be, who needs to be recording them and how are accessed by owners.
- What 3 items must be included in the AGM?
- What makes up the Special Business of the AGM?
- The one, simple action any owner can take to assist with the smooth running of their AGM.
- Electronic voting and electronic meeting
Resources mentioned during the session
- Ask Us Anything Strata Webinar – Scott Bellerby, B Strata. June 2021
- WA: Strata Industry at Risk – Workplace Safety
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first notified when we publish new videos.
Scott Bellerby
B Strata
E: scott.bellerby@bstratawa.com.au
P: 08 9382 7700
WA: Practical Methods to Reduce Risk in Your Strata Scheme | Wal Dobrow, Reserve Fund Plans – August 2022
During this webinar, Wal explores practical steps you can take away to minimise risk and make a day-to-day difference in your building. With relatable examples and the help of some Case Law, we help you to understand and recognise risks in your building. As a lot owner, what are your responsibilities and what are you liable for?
During the webinar, we talk about:
- Practical Steps to reduce property damage Risk. Fix the cause, not the symptoms.
- Control Measures to Minimise or Eliminate Hazards or Risks, referencing the Hierarchy of Control Measures
- Practical Steps to Reduce Personal Injury Risk
- The three buckets of strata safety.
- Possible fines you may be exposing yourself to.
- Legal – where is the ‘line’ drawn?
- What to do now?
Resources mentioned during the session
- NSW | ACT | VIC | SA: COVID 19 & Strata – Wal Dobrow, Covid19 Plans. Sept 2021
- NSW: Upgrade That Balustrade!
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. We thank you!
You can download the slide pack for this presentation here: WA: Practical Measures to Reduce Risk in your Strata Scheme
Wal Dobrow
Reserve Fund Plans
E: wal@rfplans.com.au
P: 1300 551 830
WA: Bylaw Consolidation – Now is the opportune time! | Brian Rulyancich, Stratatac – June 2022
The focus of the presentation was to discuss the bylaw consolidation process and how it can be seen as an opportunity to mitigate costs and improve the management of your complex.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- How to consolidate your bylaws into governance bylaws in schedule 1 and conduct bylaws in schedule 2.
- What do you need to do if your EOFY is NOT 30 June and why?
- How you can use the consolidation process to be proactive about mitigating costs for your scheme. Hint: it’s got to do with your insurance excess and debt collection bylaws.
- Why now’s the time to check your bylaws for consistency, reasonableness and discrimination.
- The importance of taking a very close look at your bylaws and how they are the Management Tools for your complex.
- and much, much more….
Resources mentioned during the session
- NAT WEBINAR: Levies – What are you really paying for? – EYEON Property Inspections. Jul 14, 2022 10 AM AEST
- Smoking as a Harard – QLD: Why now is a really good time to introduce a ‘No Smoking’ bylaw
Brian Rulyancich
E: strata@stratatac.com.au
P: 0428 970 067
WA: Financial Control – Better Budgeting for your Strata Scheme | Luke Downie, Realmark – May 2022
The focus of the presentation was to provide an overview of strata financial control and budgeting.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- Budget preparations and the benefit of monthly budget reviews
- How to arrive at an accurate budget (contractual increases, rebates)
- How to achieve GOOD cost reduction
- How to consider income and what this means for lot owners
- Know your strata companies responsibilities and approval requirements
- The importance of cash flow
- Watching out for the rising incidences of fraud
- and much, much more….
You can download the slide pack for this presentation here: Financial Control – Better Budgeting for your Strata Scheme
Luke Downie
E: ldownie@realmark.com.au
P: 08 9328 0999
WA: What does the new WHS Legislation mean for strata? | Marcus Munstermann, QIA – March 2022
The focus of the presentation was to provide an overview of the requirements for Common Property Safety as it relates to the Work Health Safety 2020 and Regulations which are expected to come into force in 2022.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- How the Safety Framework applies to Strata Companies
- Whether a Strata Company has a Workplace
- Whether a Strata Company is a PCBU Duty Holder or has Officers
- Whether a Strata Company engages a worker as an employee
- The Practical Applications of the new legislation for both Residential and Non-Residential Strata Companies
- What are a Strata Company’s (and a lot owner’s or resident’s) duty of care?
QIA has also written an article on this topic: WA’s New WHS Legislation to be Introduced. What Does this Mean for Strata?
You can download the slide pack for this presentation here: Common Property Safety: Strata Titles Act 1985 and Workplace Health and Safety Act 2020
Marcus Munstermann
QIA Group
E: info@qiagroup.com.au
P: 1300 309 201
WA: Defects and Remedial Works Projects | Bruce McKenzie, Sedgwick – Sept 2021
As well as speaking in detail and providing some good, practical guidance about WA defects and remedial works projects, Bruce also answered many questions. Just some of the information touched on:
- Why defects are increasing in modern properties
- The main four causes of defects + who’s to blame
- What are the typical defects and why?
- 4 Key points when dealing with defects
- Engaging tradesmen for major works
- When should you engage a project manager?
- Testing for combustible cladding
- WA warranty periods
Samantha Reece from WAAA joins us for some responses during the Q&A session.
Bruce McKenzie
E: bruce.mckenzie@au.sedgwick.com
P: 1300 735 720