We have been asked a few questions from WA Lot Owners about overdue strata levies including interest charged on overdue fees.
Table of Contents:
- QUESTION: A landlord owner has substantial unpaid levies. They are not responding to emails or texts and answering phone calls. Which court in Western Australia deals with unpaid strata levies?
- QUESTION: We have invoiced one of our lot owners for a plumbing maintenance repair on a pipe that fed directly to their dwelling. The invoice is overdue. Can the strata company charge 11% per annum on unpaid accounts?
- QUESTION: I purchased my unit at the end of April. My strata manager is claiming I am overdue for a levy that was due a month prior to ownership. During the sale process, there was no mention of any levies owing. Am I responsible for this levy?
- QUESTION: How much notice do strata companies have to give for the quarterly strata fees? I know my levy is due in 6 days but the strata company hasn’t sent me the levy notice yet.
- QUESTION: For recovery of unpaid levy contributions in WA, we understand that 11% interest is charged on or after the due date. Due to this, how many days should interest be applied?
- QUESTION: Can our strata company charge a full 10% penalty for late fees rather than 11% simple interest?
- QUESTION: One lot owner in our 4 lot scheme hasn’t paid levies in over 30 years. We are looking to improve common property but I don’t think it’s fair to make any improvements that benefit this lot owner.
- QUESTION: We are likely to have at least one owner who absolutely refuses to pay any further increases in fees. This will make it difficult to carry out any maintenance under the 10 Year Plan. What should we do?
- QUESTION: Can our committee request all levies be paid within 30 days from receipt of invoice?
- QUESTION: What is the current interest rate payable on WA overdue strata levies? Is the amount still 15% with the new Strata Titles Act, 1 May 2020?
- QUESTION: How do you “handle” owners who are not financial but are attending the AGM. We find they sometimes cause a disruption at meetings.
- QUESTION: Can I still vote if I don’t pay a special levy? Would I be unfinancial if I have an overdue special levy in WA?
- QUESTION: Can a proxy of an unfinancial lot owner be counted as a quorum for an AGM? What section of the act shows this?
- QUESTION: In WA, can the Strata Manager change the locks to your premises for non-payment of outstanding strata levies?
- QUESTION: We have outstanding fees due to non payment of Strata levies. We are selling our apartment and planning on paying the full amount owing at settlement. Is this permissible?
- QUESTION: A lot owner’s personal financial problems have lead to overdue strata levies. Everyone in the building knows of the problem. Is this a privacy issue?
- QUESTION: In our self managed scheme, one owner owes money for the painting of the eaves. To recover outstanding fees, can we sue him for the money owed plus all costs to do so?
Question: A landlord owner has substantial unpaid levies. They are not responding to emails or texts and answering phone calls. Which court in Western Australia deals with unpaid strata levies?
Answer: You can pursue unpaid levies through the Court system.
You can pursue unpaid levies through the Court system:
- Up to $75,000 – the Magistrates Court
- Up to $750,000 – The District Court
- Over that amount – The Supreme Court.
Shane White
Strata Title Consult
E: shane.white@stratatitleconsult.com.au
This post appears in Strata News #712.
Question: We have invoiced one of our lot owners for a plumbing maintenance repair on a pipe that fed directly to their dwelling. The invoice is overdue. Can the strata company charge 11% per annum on unpaid accounts?
Answer: The Act (specifically Section 100) does not have provision for the plumbing invoice to be on-charged to the lot owner, nor does it provide provision to the strata company to charge interest on those amounts.
ESM Strata
E: mchurstain@esmstrata.com.au
P: 08 9362 1166
This post appears in Strata News #675.
Question: I purchased my unit at the end of April. My strata manager is claiming I am overdue for a levy that was due a month prior to ownership. During the sale process, there was no mention of any levies owing. Am I responsible for this levy?
Answer: In strata properties, the strata levy debt follows the owner.
I can understand your worry and distress.
In strata properties, the strata levy debt follows the owner. That means when you purchase a strata property, any outstanding debt must be paid by the new owner.
Typically, the vendor pays the levies due at settlement, but if not, the conveyancer or settlement agent will distribute it between the vendor and the purchaser. The settlement agent will also include this amount in the financial settlement distribution.
It’s not the responsibility of the strata company or its managers to keep track of who paid what and when. They only receive funds and collect debts.
To resolve the issue, check your financial breakdown itemisation to see if this was included. If not, contact your settlement agent to clarify whether this is an oversight or error in the settlement or if you are responsible for this levy.
I am confident that this can be easily resolved with more information from your settlement agent.
Jordan Dinga
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #632.
Question: How much notice do strata companies have to give for the quarterly strata fees? I know my levy is due in 6 days but the strata company hasn’t sent me the levy notice yet.
Answer: There is no provision under the Act or Regulations that a levy invoice must be issued to an owner.
In fact, neither the Strata Company (nor their Strata Manager) are bound to provide owners with a levy invoice.
In accordance with the Strata Titles Act, the only notice period that must be provided to owners regarding levy contributions, is in accordance with Section 129 Notice requirements for all general meetings.
- All owners of lots in a strata titles scheme and first mortgagees of those lots must be given at least 14 days’ notice of every general meeting of the strata company for the scheme.
- The notice must include –
- The date, time and venue of the meeting; and
- For an annual general meeting, notice of each item of business referred to in 127(3); and
- For special business, notice of the general nature of that business;
The levy contributions are issued in accordance with Section 100 Administrative and reserve funds and contributions.
- A strata company must –
- determine the amounts to be raised for payment into the administrative fund; and
- raise amounts so determined by levying contributions on owners of lots
- Any contribution levied under this section –
- becomes due and payable to the strata company in accordance with the terms of the decision to make the levy
The minutes of the general meeting (being annual or extraordinary) specify the levy contribution amount and the date the contribution levy is due and payable by. Unless the minutes list the contributions lot by lot, you can calculate this by multiplying the dollar amount required per unit of entitlement of each lot by the unit of entitlement specific to each lot as noted with the strata plan.
In summary, there is no provision under the Act or Regulations that a levy invoice must be issued to an owner. This is usually done as a courtesy, as we’re all used to receiving invoices for services. We suggest owners take note of the minutes of general meetings and schedule payments in advance to ensure payments are made prior to the due date and to avoid interest being charged in accordance with the Regulations.
ESM Strata Team
ESM Strata
E: esm.support@esmstrata.com.au
P: 08 9362 1166
This post appears in Strata News #600.
Question: For recovery of unpaid levy contributions in WA, we understand that 11% interest is charged on or after the due date. Due to this, how many days should interest be applied?
Answer: Most Strata Companies do not charge interest for the first 30 days and give this as a “grace” period, however if not paid within that timeframe then the interest is charged as of the day the levy became due.
The interest charges on levies are set out in Section 100 (4), (5) & (6) below of the Act and Regulation 78.
Section 100 (4)(a) also states that the levy becomes due and payable in accordance with the terms of the decision, meaning that the minutes of the General Meeting, where the levies were struck, would note that the levy is due and payable on (date). The Strata Company can then charge interest, at the regulated rate of 11%, as of that date. For example: Quarterly Levy due 1st January 2022 for the period to 31st March 2022 – the interest is due and payable as of 1st January 2022.
Most Strata Companies do not charge interest for the first 30 days and give this as a “grace” period, however if not paid within that timeframe then the interest is charged as of the day the levy became due ie: 1st January 2022 in the above example.
Interest is applied until the outstanding amount is paid.
Administrative and reserve funds and contributions
Section 100 states:
- Any contribution levied under this section —
- becomes due and payable to the strata company in accordance with the terms of the decision to make the levy; and
- if not paid when it becomes due and payable, bears interest on the amount unpaid at the rate of simple interest specified in the regulations, unless the company determines (either generally or in a particular case) that an unpaid contribution bears no interest or interest at a lesser rate; and
- including interest accrued under paragraph (b), may be recovered as a debt by the strata company in a court of competent jurisdiction and the strata company may agree to a compromise of such a debt.
- Interest paid or recovered under subsection (4) or (6) forms part of the fund to which the contribution belongs.
- The owner of a lot is liable in respect of any contribution levied under this section and any interest on the contribution, jointly and severally with any person who was liable to pay that contribution and interest when that owner became the owner of that lot, to pay so much of that contribution and interest as was unpaid when the owner became the owner of that lot.
Regulation 78. Rate of interest on unpaid contributions
For the purposes of section 100(4)(b), the rate of simple interest specified is 11% per annum.
Shelley Fitzgerald
Emerson Raine
E: shelley@emersonraine.com.au
P: 9330 3959
This post appears in Strata News #565.
Question: Can our strata company charge a full 10% penalty for late fees rather than 11% simple interest?
Our strata company charges 10% penalty for late fees. I believe the Strata Titles Act only allows for simple interest to be charged at 11% per annum or as set by AGM. As such a one month late $800 payment should only incur interest of 1/12th of the annual 10% simple interest – eg. about $6.90 interest. Is that correct – or does the “as set by AGM” allow for the strata company to set a “penalty” of the full $80 to be charged to late payers?
Answer: The rate calculated in your example would exceed the 11% per annum set under the general regulations.
Section 100 of the Strata Titles Act 1985 sets out that a Strata Company must establish a fund for administrative expenses. If it is a designated Strata Scheme (10 lots and above or has a building replacement value of $5 million or above) it also must have a reserve fund and ten year maintenance plan.
The funds to meet these budgets is raised by levying contributions so determined on the owners in proportion to the unit entitlement of their respective lots (unless the scheme has a by-law in place varying this method).
The contributions become due and payable on the 1st day of the period in which they are for and section 100(4) provides that overdue levies bears interest on the amount unpaid at the rate of simple interest set out in the general regulations. Section 78 of the general regulations provides that the rate of simple interest specified is 11% per annum. This applies unless the company determines (either generally or in a particular case) that an unpaid contribution bears no interest or interest at a lesser rate.
The rate calculated in your example would exceed the 11% per annum set under the general regulations. The Act and its regulations does not allow for a Strata Company to determine an amount above the prescribed rate. It would appear that your Strata Company may be having difficulty understanding how to apply the rate of interest and as such I would recommend they seek advice or assistance from an accountant.
Some other points to note:
- Outstanding levies and any interest accrued can be recovered as a debt by the strata company in a court of competent jurisdiction.
- The strata company may agree to a compromise of such a debt.
Interest paid or recovered forms part of the fund to which the contribution belongs. - The owner of a lot is liable in respect of any contribution levied and any interest on the contribution, jointly and severally with any person who was liable to pay that contribution and interest when that owner became the owner of that lot.
Luke Downie
E: ldownie@realmark.com.au
P: 08 9328 0999
This post appears in the April 2022 edition of The WA Strata Magazine.
Question: One lot owner in our 4 lot scheme hasn’t paid levies in over 30 years. We are looking to improve common property but I don’t think it’s fair to make any improvements that benefit this lot owner.
I own a townhouse in a block of 4 units. One owner (a lawyer) hasn’t lived here for 30 years nor paid levies for 30 yrs. Over 20 years ago, we took her to court over unpaid levies with no success as she plays the system representing herself at no cost with appeals etc and it has cost us a fortune.
We are looking to spend money to upgrade the common property. Part of this includes improvements to the carport that belongs to the owner who does not contribute to levies. I’m against any improvements that will benefit this lot.
How can we recover the 30 years of levies? If the outstanding levies cannot be recovered at this time, can we make improvements to common property, excluding any that benefit the unfinancial owner?
Answer: The Strata Company has a general duty to ‘control and manage the common property for the benefit of all of the owners of lots’.
In accordance with the Act, a Strata Company must, as a minimum, establish an Administrative fund sufficient to maintain the common property, and, in order to raise these funds, levy lot owners.
100. Administrative and reserve funds and contributions
- A strata company must —
- establish a fund (an administrative fund) for administrative expenses that is sufficient in the opinion of the strata company for the control and management of the common property, for the payment of any premiums of insurance and the discharge of any other obligation of the strata company; and
- determine the amounts to be raised for payment into the administrative fund; and
- raise amounts so determined by levying contributions on owners of lots —
- in proportion to the unit entitlements of their respective lots; or
- if the scheme by-laws provide for a different basis for levying contributions, in accordance with that basis;
- recover from the owner of a lot, by action in a court of competent jurisdiction if necessary, any sum of money expended by the company for repairs or work done by it or at its direction in complying with a notice issued, or order made, under a written law in respect of the lot.
It would be remiss of me to comment, without knowing the determination of the case presented to the Court. I would presume that the presiding Judge would have made orders that both the Strata Company and the lot owner were to abide by, in relation to outstanding contributions owed to the Strata Company and that the decision would have taken into account the Debt Recovery Procedure adopted by the Strata Company.
Provided the levies were raised correctly at General Meetings, then in theory the Strata Company should be able to recover the levies in either of two ways. They can take the matter to Court, where the Judge will make a determination based on a number of factors. Or, when the lot is sold, the outstanding debt passes on to the new lot owner (unless an arrangement has been made otherwise at the time of settlement). Should the Strata Company still have a considerable amount of contributions owed, it would be prudent for them to engage legal advice to recover the monies, which could possibly result in the ‘seizure and sale’ of the lot in order to recover the outstanding contributions.
That being said, the Strata Company does have a general duty to ‘control and manage the common property for the benefit of all of the owners of lots’. We would need to consider whether the Common Property Car Port used by the owner is subject to any Exclusive Use bylaws, or whether it needs to be ‘improved’ or simply maintained and repaired. The Strata Company still has a responsibility to ‘keep in good and serviceable repair, properly maintain, and, if necessary, renew and replace the common property’, but the Strata Company is not obliged to make improvements to the common property.
ESM Strata Team
ESM Strata
E: esm.support@esmstrata.com.au
P: 08 9362 1166
This post appears in Strata News #546.
Question: We are likely to have at least one owner who absolutely refuses to pay any further increases in fees. This will make it difficult to carry out any maintenance under the 10 Year Plan. What should we do?
Answer: Alternative methods of collecting funds may be required
The opportunity to vote at a general meeting for changes to the amounts being levied is done by Ordinary Resolution, so a majority vote is required.
If all the increases are reasonable and can be demonstrated as being necessary, then the amount of money raised for the 10 year plan would be justified by the time schedule listed for the replacement or servicing of major common property items.
If the amounts raised or proposed to be raised in the budget are extortionately high then there could be grounds to make an application to the Tribunal (SAT) to review the fees and charges.
Alternative methods of collecting funds may be required so that half the ownership isn’t bankrupted in the process.
- It might be that adjusting the scheduling of maintenance or setting different priorities for the accumulation of funds is an option?
- A strata loan may be required to enable urgent maintenance and pick up the short fall in accumulated funds.
- The Strata Company does have within its authority the ability to come up with payment plans for individual owners.
- A straight refusal to pay any increases may also lead to few options as to how it all plays out:
- Debt recovery is also an option that the strata company has available to it.
- This can at its worst, end up with the sale of the property.
In summary
An older building that hasn’t been maintained properly may result in higher costs to fix the problem.
Funds allocated to a Reserve Fund for a 10-year plan are a good indicator or an active group of strata owners who are aware of the need to have the buildings maintained.
A fixed income may result in some owners not being able to pay the necessary increases, resulting in a need to sell and move elsewhere which is more affordable.
Shane White
Strata Title Consult
E: shane.white@stratatitleconsult.com.au
This post appears in the November 2021 edition of The WA Strata Magazine.
Question: Can our committee request all levies be paid within 30 days from receipt of invoice?
Our Committee recently issued a letter stating that they have decided all strata fees have to be paid within 30 days from receipt of invoice. Can this be enforced?
If I do not pay my levies on time and I become unfinancial, what does this mean?
Answer: The dates that the levies fall due are voted on by the lot owners and enshrined at the annual general meeting of the strata company.
After passing the budget at your annual general meeting, you then approved the levy schedules and the dates that the levies are to be raised and fall due. In the end, the owners vote on that generally quarterly, (some schemes we actually see by-annually and some schemes we actually see annual levies) but those dates are enshrined at the annual general meeting of the strata company.
You are aware when the levies for due by either reading the minutes or attending the annual general meeting of the strata company.
It’s not 30 days from receipt of the invoice, it’s actually the day that the levy determines its due and payable. In most instances, a strata manager would issue a levy three to four weeks before it’s due but the owner has the responsibility to pay that before the levy is due and then after that date, yes, it will incur interest. The current prescribed rate is 11% unless the Strata company has passed a motion that determines a lesser rate. Yes, the Strata company can then start undertaking Debt Recovery procedures. In saying that, it is encouraged that they have a bylaw to assist that debt recovery, or at least as a minimum pass emotion at each Annual General Meeting detailing what those Debt Recovery procedures may be.
If at a general meeting, you are unfinancial, you’re limited on your capacity, to vote on ordinary resolutions and special resolutions. You do need to be financial to be able to vote on the motions. It doesn’t preclude you from voting on unanimous resolutions and resolutions without dissent.
Ultimately, the strata company relies on its owners to pay the levies to assist it in continuing to operate. It’s very important that the strata company is able to get that money. There were a lot of concerns early last year when COVID hit that we would see an increase in debtors, but you’re talking to my colleagues across Australia there isn’t really any evidence of that at the moment. It is really important that the Strata company does have means to be able to breach owners if they’re not paying their levies.
Scott Bellerby
B Strata
E: scott.bellerby@bstratawa.com.au
P: 08 9382 7700
This post appears in Strata News #513.
Question: What is the current interest rate payable on WA overdue strata levies? Is the amount still 15% with the new Strata Titles Act, 1 May 2020?
Answer: As of 1 May 2020 the interest rate changed to 11%.
Jordan Dinga
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #464.
Question: How do you “handle” owners who are not financial but are attending the AGM. We find they sometimes cause a disruption at meetings.
Answer: The chair would have the right to insist that any member disrupting the meeting, financial or non-financial, refrains from their behaviour. If the behaviour persists, ask the person to leave the meeting.
Under the Strata Titles Act 1985 and as amended in 2018 there is no probation on any unfinancial owner attending an AGM. If they do attend:
- they do not form part of the quorum of the meeting,
- they cannot nominate for the strata council of owners,
- they cannot vote on any Ordinary Resolution, nor any Special Resolutions.
However, they can vote on a Resolution without Dissent and an Unanimous Resolution.
Yes, they can participate in the discussion but on voting as mentioned above, cannot have a valid vote and that would be on most strata decisions as the majority would fall under the jurisdiction of an Ordinary Resolution.
Now if any member financial or non-financial are disrupting the meeting the chair would have the right to insist that the person refrains from their behaviour or if the behaviour persists ask for the person to leave the meeting.
An AGM is no different from any other organisational meeting and proper meeting protocols need to be adhered to.
Brian Rulyancich
E: strata@stratatac.com.au
P: 0428 970 067
This post appears in the March 2021 edition of The WA Strata Magazine.
Question: Can I still vote if I don’t pay a special levy? In WA, would I be unfinancial if I have an overdue special levy?
A special levy to raise $170000 was voted in at the last meeting of our strata. We did not attend this meeting as the only notice of this was via email and filtered straight to my husband’s junk mail and so forwent our right to vote.
We now have a $22k bill for repairs we do not agree with. My question is – will we be unable to vote on other matters if we don’t pay this special levy?
For WA, I have not been able to find information which makes the distinction between regular strata fees and a special levy. I understand that if regular strata fees are not paid, we are not entitled to vote but my question is in regards to a special revenue raise?
Answer: Includes all levies standard or special as passed at an AGM or EGM.
Jordan Dinga
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #456.
Question: Can a proxy of an unfinancial lot owner be counted as a quorum for an AGM? What section of the act shows this?
Answer: The simple answer is no, an unfinancial owner cannot be counted as a quorum for an AGM.
The simple answer is no, an unfinancial owner cannot be counted as a quorum for an AGM.
Under section 130 a quorum is made of those “who are entitled to cast the votes”.
Under section 120 an owner is not “entitled to cast the votes” if unfinancial.
130.Quorum at general meetings
- At a general meeting of a strata company for a strata titles scheme other than a 2‑lot scheme, a quorum is constituted if there are present persons who are entitled to cast the votes attached to 50% of the lots in the scheme.
120. Voting
- However, the owner of a lot is not entitled to cast the vote attached to the lot if —
- there is an outstanding amount recoverable under this Act owed to the strata company by the owner of the lot.
Jordan Dinga
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #397.
Question: In WA, can the Strata Manager change the locks to your premises for non-payment of outstanding strata levies?
Answer: Short answer is no.
Short answer is no.
The strata manager and the council of owners do not have the authority to change locks due to non-payment of fees.
The strata company does not have a legal interest in a strata lot and can only recover fees in accordance with the provisions of the act and regulations. Clause 100 of the Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018 applies. The strata manager under instructions from the council of owners can impose interest at the prescribed rate and can again under instructions also instigate recovery action in a court of competent jurisdiction, Clause 100(10(d).
Brian Rulyancich
E: strata@stratatac.com.au
P: 0428 970 067
This post appears in Strata News #350.
Question: We have outstanding fees due to non payment of Strata levies. We are selling our apartment and planning on paying the full amount owing at settlement. Is this permissible?
We are lot owners and we are trying to sell our apartment.
We have outstanding fees due to non payment of Strata levies. We advised the Strata Manager we would pay the full amount owing at settlement. Is this permissible?
Answer: The matter would need to be referred to the council of owners for a decision.
That arrangement can be done, however, the strata manager would not have the authority to agree to the proposed arrangement and would need to refer the matter to the council of owners for a decision.
The role of the strata manager would be to advise the council as the strata manager would be privy to all the facts and would provide all relevant information to the council for due consideration.
The council of owners would have the right to impose conditions if they saw fit and also impose interest under Clause 100(4)(b) of the Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018. The role of the council of owners and the strata manager is to work on a balance so as to protect the interest of the strata company, which is paramount and their role but at the same time assist the lot owner during a difficult time.
Brian Rulyancich
E: strata@stratatac.com.au
P: 0428 970 067
This post appears in Strata News #350.
Question: A lot owner’s personal financial problems have lead to overdue strata levies. Everyone in the building knows of the problem. Is this a privacy issue?
Our WA Strata scheme of 16 owners has one owner who has personal financial problem which have lead to overdue strata levies.
The Strata Manager has passed the problem to the Council of Owners. Consequently, all the lot owners and residents are aware of the personal financial problems via COO meeting minutes and by word of mouth.
I thought the Council of Owners didn’t get involved with Strata Fee collection and that it was the Strata Manager’s area of responsibility. The Family who is behind in payments are now aware that all their neighbours know of their personal issues. It has been highly upsetting for all involved.
Should this information not have been kept private? Can you please advise if this is how it should be?
Answer: It is standard practice that the lot owners position is included within the AGM Agenda Financials.
Please note: this response was provided prior to the proclamation of the new strata title amendments.
Having shared ownership in strata titled property is very similar in shared ownership of a business. Do you think you would have the right to know that your business partner is not meeting the contributions all parties agreed upon in order to protect your investment? The cash flow of your property relies on payments by all lot owners. What if all of a sudden you don’t have enough funds to pay the insurance renewal?
At any time, with notice, an owner is allowed to inspect the strata company records – which would bring to light the financial position of all owners.
It is also standard practice that the lot owners position is included within the AGM Agenda Financials. The Strata Manager bringing it to the Strata Councils attention is very standard so that the council can decide how they want to deal with it. Note that the Strata Manager makes no decisions. It isn’t their position to do so. We provide best practice options and assist under instructions.
I can appreciate that everyone has difficulties paying bills from time to time. I am the first to have sympathy for some owners when we deal with cost recovery. But it shouldn’t ever be to the detriment of other owners and there are systems in place for that purpose.
So ultimately to answer your question it sounds like everything is as it should be.
Jordan Dinga
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #253.
Question: In our self managed scheme, one owner owes money for the painting of the eaves. To recover outstanding fees, can we sue him for the money owed plus all costs to do so?
We have some eves that run the circumference of the building and they require painting. Money were required to be put in the Sinking fund to pay for the work. One owner has not put any money forward and is not replying to any requests relating to this subject and has previously cried “poor” on any issue.
What are our options? To recover outstanding fees, can we sue him for the money owed plus all costs to do so? He attended one meeting where we discussed the painting issue and raised no objections, but now is just stonewalling us.
We are located in Western Australia and at the moment self manage our Residential site.
Answer: Unless a specific Cost Recovery By-Law has been passed and lodged then NO, costs may not be recovered.
Please note: this response was provided prior to the proclamation of the new strata title amendments.
Are the eaves common property according to the strata plan?
Was the meeting valid?
If one or more of the below was omitted the meeting may be invalid.
Postal Delivery time: unless there is a by-law which sees electronic correspondence the agent must be posted to all owners at least 18/20 days prior to the meeting.
AGM agenda motion: was the motion within the AGM agenda and was it specific? ie what was to occur, was a quote included, the total amount to be sent and how were funds raised ie $5,000 expenditure to repair eaves payable by one instalment of $500 per unit entitlement on or before (insert date).
AGM: was there a quorum, was this motion passed by a majority?
Levies due and payable? Section 36 of the Act explains the strata company’s duty and responsibility relating to levies and collection.
Cost Recovery? Unless a specific Cost Recovery By-Law has been passed and lodged with Landgate or the Court of Jurisdiction ordering the owner to reimburse the Strata Company for Costs incurred as a result of Debt Recovery on that lot owner; then NO, costs may not be recovered. Debt Recovery Costs may not be used by the Strata Company unless they are noted within the adopted budget for the property.
Top Tips
Strata Manager – To avoid risk, liability, unnecessary conflict and drama we suggest employing the services of a professional strata manager.
Debt Recovery By Law – a necessary by law in today’s marketplace.
AGM agenda – It’s true that Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Yes, you may set a suitable date for an AGM however the preparation for your AGM starts after the last one. Only once you have all proper content for a clear and concise AGM, should you finalise and then set the AGM date, noting that the postal delivery time is met.
Elizabeth Florence
Abode Strata
E: abode@abodestrata.com.au
P: 08 9368 2221
This post appears in Strata News #297.
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We have a owner in a Strata complex that is well overdue with outstanding strata fees. The owners have requested that they will pay once the properties are sold but due the fact the TWO properties have been listed up for sale without any sale they are still request the fee’s be waived until sale of properties which in present housing climate could be 12 mths or so? ( I could say waiver my fees until I sell my property which will be after I passed on)
The interest for outstanding fees is 11% from 1st May 2020 but can the Strata Management company recover Administration. cost for attempts to cost outstand fee’s?
How many or long can a owner put off paying their overdues strata fees?
Can the Strata Management company charge the owner for debit recover costs, legal fee’s & court costs?
I look forward to your response?
Kind regards
As the eaves are part of the outside of the building it should be covered by building insurance,
What is the process when I’m the only lot owner left in a lot of 3, and the owner of the other two does not respond to emails or phone calls?
The owner of the other 2 lots is the strata contact person but he has not paid the strata insurance for this year and does not answer his mobile or email. He does not occupy either property (they both sit empty atm) and I do not have his current address (although I saw him around recently after months of not seeing him at all).
I recently received a letter asking me to provide the insurance brokers with a new contact name, address and mobile number, and I feel like if I do answer this letter I will be held responsible for paying the full fee. If the fee is unpaid the insurance will be cancelled.
What should I do and what are the consequences of having the strata insurance cancelled?
What is the process when a proprietor/lot owner is not paying their strata levies? One owner hasn’t paid for 3 quarters. We are a self-run strata with 6 lots. What STA section is it governed by? Does the Strata Manager have to consult with the committee before charging interest? How do we advise the owner interest is due? Thank you
Hi Amy
I believe the above article addresses these issues.
All the best resolving the matter.
Thank you, please can someone advise if the 15% simple interest is still payable with the new strata titles act, 1 May 2020?
Hi Amy,
I have responded to your question in the above article.
My unit used to send notice of levy by post before due date but some reason I can’t get it ,so I called them when I get it ,then paid : due date 1/1/2019 ( from 1/1 / 2019 to 30/3/2019)my paid 9/1/2019.
I am very shocking I get interest and lawyer fee: $ 10.250 . My question is my paid 9 date late I am have to paid interest and they lawyer fee ???
I am very grateful to hearing from you soon .
Kind Regards : Thi
I am in the same boat. I wish there was more advice for owners of strata properties who are being pursued aggressively like this by their Strata Management/Council of Owners as it’s bringing people undone financially. It’s going to be to a point where there is no way that I will be able to pay these fees back but they won’t back down and give me a clean slate.
We have received the following comment from Marietta Metzger, magixstrata:
Regarding the following Q&A: Question: A lot owner has overdue strata levies. Are they entitled to attend the AGM? If so, can they vote? I personally do not agree that an individual lot owners position should be included within the AGM agenda financials.
While the financials show any levies in arrears as of just an amount, it should not be disclosed with an AGM agenda which owner has not paid up their levies and is in arrears.
This is only for the Council of Owners to know as it is in their duty to ensure that all levies are paid up and if not, what measures are necessary to take.
Hi Felicity
It sounds like this scheme is a new construction? If this is the case, it would be well worthwhile ensuring that an engineer or builder checks everything within the coming year so that any claim for building defects can be made within the statutory allowed period (which I think is 6 years). If not done, and defects are found later, owners will be responsible for any remedial work.
Good luck.
HI Felicity,
1. Definitely not legal unless it has been specified within an AGM or EGM.
2. Again definitely not allowed unless it has been specified within an AGM or EGM.
3. The Strata Company and the Body Corporate are the same thing, being all lot owners. If you mean the Strata Manager when you first say Strata Company then no they cannot act as the Body Corporate/Strata Company.
Our Strata company has brought forward the due date for our levies, we were advised two weeks ago. Today we receive an email saying they had seriously underestimated the amount for the levies and are significantly increasing the total for the levy by over $20,000 (between 16 apartments), with the first installment due in 3 weeks.
1. Is it legal for them to bring the due date of levies forward?
2. Can they then fine owners who budgeted for the full 6 months to pay, and now not only have to pay 2 months early, but to come up with more money on top, not to mention that they only get told of the increase 3 weeks prior?
3. Is the Strata company also allowed to act as the Body Corporate for a building that was, until the start of this year, owned by a single party, but now has 16 new owners?
Some things to ponder and consider when it comes to penalties……
The power to waive or not charge interests accrued on levies lies with the Strata Company, not the strata manager. Strata Title Act WA (1985) section 36 4(b).
There is also a tax implication if Strata Companies recovering monies from penalties. Other than the interest payable on late levies, other penalties may be seen as a non-mutual receipt, and the principle of mutuality does not apply to these types of penalty amounts.
Hi Janine. Don’t be surprised if the decision made by the owners of Units 1 & 2 in your strata complex to engage the services of a strata manager involves a builder/developer who may be hoping that your now being expected to meet the cost of these regular strata levies and fees will cause you to eventually want — or simply have no option but — to sell and move away. If you’re able to, try to find out why the owner of Unit 2 suddenly up and sold and moved away only 2 weeks after employing the strata manager given this previous owner, who was keenly in cahoots with the owner of Unit 1 to employ a strata manager, must have had a rough idea of what the strata levies and fees would amount to. If this previous owner says anything like “…it was the new high costs of strata levies and fees that made me want to sell and move away.”, it could show promise that something $neaky is at play. It wouldn’t hurt for you to contact the “Office of the Public Advocate” to see if those employed there are able to assist you in any way, and even if they can’t directly, it’s odds-on they will be able to put you in touch with not only someone who can, but perhaps also an authoritative body who might be already well ahead of the game waiting for any vulture$ (who may have an eye on your Unit’s lot) to pounce. One really can’t be too careful in matters such as this. Best of luck to you.
Hi everybody,
I live in a set of 3 x Villas in WA. I bought my Villa in 2011. I knew absolutely nothing about “Strata” and don’t even remember “Strata” being explained to me when I bought my property. I live in number 3. The wife of the owners of #1- was doing the Strata Managing for free when I bought my property right up until 2018. There is only 3 x Villas which do not warrant the services of a paid Strata Manager. The Wife decided she no longer wanted to be the Strata Manager and between her and her best friend who lived in #2, went ahead and organised for us to pay a Strata Manager. I was dead against the idea but #1 and #2 had the majority over me so a Strata Manager was hired without my consent. Two weeks after this, the lady in #2 sold her Villa and moved away leaving me stuck with a paid Strata Manager. I am home 24/7 and am a qualified Administrator. I offered to take over Managing our 3 x Villas for FREE but the wife in number #1 wanted to go all official and ignored my offer. I know Strata Management can be quite involved but like I said, there is only 3 x of us in the complex. I even offered to do an online quickie course in Strata Management, its not Rocket Science.To cut a very long unhappy story short, I am now very ill with Diabetes, Major Depression and failing Kidneys. I have worked from the age of 18 to 56 when unfortunately, due to my serious illnesses, was deemed unfit to work any further and I haven’t. I am now on a permanent “Disability Support Pension” and have to live on $450 a week to cover everything you could possibly think of including a Mortgage. I cannot meet at least 50% of my financial obligations. Last week I got a bill from the Strata Manager for $1032.16 which is $732.16 for Insurance + $300 for Fees due without fail in 9 x days.
I cannot pay this bill, its as simple as that. I am currently writing an email to the “Strata Community Association” asking if there is any form of exemption, discount, repayment plans or even waiving the bill due to illness and poverty in their Rules, Regulations or Policies. I am 60 x years old, I cannot lose my home, its all Ive got. If I lose my home, I will be become homeless. If I become Homeless, I will die within the first week. I am honestly not bragging – why would I but I suffer from 14 x different serious illnesses, conditions and disorders.
How and who can I approach about my dire and desperate situation.
I am a 10th Generation Australian with 2 x Grandfathers serving in the War 11. I cannot possibly be punished for being ill. I am so frightened this Strata Manager has the power to take away my home, Im having at least 6 x debilitating Panic Attacks a day due to the stress of this $1032.16 bill.
I do not nor will I ever have the money to pay this bill – end of story.
Please help me!.
Kindest thanks,
As discussed aboved, there are different components that make up an overdue amlount that needs to be paid up to wipe the slate clean.
The various components can include:-
(1) the levy itself
(2) the simple interst on the overdue levy
(3) amouht that is charged by debt collection activities
(4) adminstrative amount that is charged to the Strata Company (by the Strata Managing Agent) that is on charged to the lot.
Being late for levies can render a person being unable to vote at meetings. Current STA (1985) Standard Schedule 1 14(6) says “no proprietor is entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all contributions payable in respect of his lot have been duly paid and any other moneys recoverable under the Act”……
Does this contribution include
(1) money owed to the Strata Company as a result of by-law breach?
(2) money owed to the Strata Company as a result of enforcing a by-law? For example, Strata Company has a debt recovery costs on-charging by-law, and the lot has incurred charges due to debt recovery activity.
(2) money owed to the Strata Company as a result of an agreement under STA section 37(1)(g)?
Lastly, does a council member need to be financial to vote in a Council of Owners meeting?
Thank you for your insights.
I have recently been hit with over due levies for two quarters.
Levies are $405 a quarter with $82 for sending a notice and $15 interest.
My overdues amount is around $250 which I am trying to break down.
Basically my unit was vacant for a few months and being managed by a real estate agent. I put in $1500 after a few months to cover various expenses.
Its only after I reviewed my bank statement that I found the extra cost and subsequently found out there was an ongoing email war between the real estate and the strata manager which I was unaware.of.
Is there any where I can go to get some resolution on this
Hi Alan
We have received the following reply back from Strata Martyr:
Section 36 (4)(b) is the section of the Strata Titles Act you refer to.
The prescribed rate of interest on late payment of levies is 15% simple interest.
The other charges you describe relate to administration. The simple rate can be calculated daily from the time it is overdue.
You should contact the Strata Management company and ask for a breakdown of the account if they haven’t given it to you already. Ask them how they worked out your late payment Interest.
In a separate correspondence to “The Council of Owners” ask them if they will consider waiving the interest as you have been the victim of poor service from your property manager who has poorly managed and it was never your intention to avoid payment.
The real charges here are the debt collection administration ask the Council of Owners to stop pursuing the overdue debt till ratification at the next general meeting can be gained. At the general meeting, there would be an agenda item indicating that your lot was seeking to have late payment interest waved. I doubt if the Management Company will waive their $82 fee as they have already done the work.
You should:
* pay your levy bar the late payment fees;
* Ask your Council of Owners to instruct the Strata Manager’s debt collection to cease on your lot for overdue interest.
* Request that your late payment interest fees be waived at the AGM.
* Alternately pay everything and pursue the above as reimbursement to avoid additional cost from the Strata Manager’s debt collection procedures.
A Strata Company has the ability to introduce its own late payment policy at a general meeting if owners agree.
Strata Martyr
This article is misleading. The Act does not provide for an interest free period as indicated.
Due dates are determined at the AGM and minutes are distributed to all owners.
Logically, unless the owners passed a resolution waiving interest or allowing an interest free period, interest accrues from the day after the due date.
Incongruously, during a SAT directions hearing, when I referred to the failure of our strata company/manager to charge interest from the day after the due date, the Member asked if the strata company “decided” to charge interest.
Can strata companies not charge interest unless they passed resolutions to do so?
Can strata companies recover lost income from strata managers who unilaterally decided to grant interest free periods?
We have bylaws that state that money owed for submetered utilities and parking licences can be “recovered as if they were contributions levied pursuant to section 36 (1).
The strata manager’s lawyer advised that a lit-s financial status and eligibility to vote would be dependent on the payment, prior to the commencement of a general meeting, of amounts owed for such debts on the day that notices of meetings are distributed commences
Accordingly should interest not be incurred when these debts are not paid by the “due date”. This raises several issues:
1. Can the strata company assert that the due date for utilities and parking licences us other than the AGM minuted due dates for levy payments?
2. Can interest be charged when such debts are not paid?
How frustrating for you Alan
It can be confusing.
Do remember that ALL OWNERS form the STRATA COMPANY – that includes you.
The “Strata Manager”, or probably strata management company, may have duties delegated to it but is only authorised to make charges and deductions as agreed in the contract. The management agreement should be available for you to look at if you wish to check the fees they are charging the strata company (all owners as a single entity).
Generally, to on-charge administration fees to individual owners required a motion at each AGM or a by-law to be registered on the strata plan.
However, interest is charged from the due date, which on your quarterly levy is ~$15 therefore your owner account will show (for example)
$405.00 DR due date Q1
405.00 DR due date Q2
15.19 DR interest 15% (for x days – roughly 3 months) between due dates Q1&Q2
If you have paid the first levy then the interest stops but you may owe interest on the unpaid period for two lots of levies which may not appear until due date Q3
There are assumptions that the strata company (or it’s delegate) should deal with property managers but even though in practice this happens and often not well, the legal responsibility remains with the individual owner.
The easiest way to resolve this is to
> Pay the overdue levies Q1&Q2 plus the outstanding interest as soon as possible;
> contact the strata management company representative know you have now received strata advice (rather than property manager advice), are better informed about your rights and responsibilities and apologise for the misunderstanding (that should make them better disposed to listen to you).
> request quarterly levy notices are emailed direct to you (and you take responsibility for payment by forwarding to the property manager (if rented), or pay direct (if vacant).
Note: that although it is customary for levy notices to be issued quarterly, under the Strata Titles Act 1985 there is no requirement for this to occur – notification of due dates in the minutes of an AGM is sufficient!
> ask that in this instance the admin charges be waived and that the council of owners be contacted to obtain this.
If (and only if) the representative refuses or is very difficult, request IN WRITING, details of the by-law or motion approving on-charging of fees, that was approved by the majority of owners at a properly convened annual general meeting.
Finally, be a little more active with your investment. Property is valuable and is worth the average 30 minutes a month to ensure you know what is going on. Read through the agenda and appoint a proxy for meetings if you can’t take an hour each year to attend. When minutes of that meeting arrive do read them. If there’s anything you don’t understand – ask for clarification.
I love strata and see the value of making our investments (whether as owner or investor) work hard for us. However, oversight is really best done by an interested party – usually the owner.
All the best!
We have received this comment via email from Jeff Smith, Exclusive Strata Management:
Your article raises a very topical issue that we have been discussing in our office.
The Act actually states that interest applies from the due date not 14 days after the due date.
We had previously allowed 14 days prior to applying interest, however, as this would appear to contradict the Act we have recently reverted to applying interest if the debt is not paid by the due date.
In WA, The Strata Titles Act 1985 section 36(4) states in relation to levy contributions that:
(4) Any contribution levied under this section —
(a) becomes due and payable to the strata company in
accordance with the terms of the decision to make the
levy; and
(b) if not paid when it becomes due and payable, bears
interest on the amount unpaid at the rate of simple
interest prescribed, unless the company determines
(either generally or in a particular case) that an unpaid
contribution shall bear no interest or interest at a lesser
rate; and
(c) including interest accrued under paragraph (b), may be
recovered as a debt by the strata company in a court of
competent jurisdiction and the strata company may
agree to a compromise of such a debt.
The prescribed amount is specified in the Strata Titles General Regulations 1996 section 26 which states:
“The prescribed rate of interest under section 36(4)(b) is 15%.”
In practical terms, when and if the property is sold, the agent should be made aware that there are outstanding amounts owed to the strata company. The Section 43 certificate should clearly indicate the amount outstanding against the property (including the interest). These sums, along with any other outstanding amounts against the property must be paid on or before settlement.
Simply put, simple interest is a daily calculation based on the original amount of the debt. With simple interest we do not compound (ie add) the prior interest charges to the original debt.
For the simple interest calculation, it will be best to calculate the interest accrued on each debt separately and then add all of the accrued interest together. Accrued interest is just the interest we calculate as being owing.
I have created a simple spreadsheet which will help you calculate these values. I am happy to provide such to you directly or through the operators of this web page.
I do not live in WA and thus I can not attest to whether the 15% interest your council has decided to charge is valid. Also given that the owner is now in administration, you will need to lodge a formal claim of debt with the administrators and there may be rules around how much interest they will be able to pay (eg they may only be liable for interest after the date of their appointment). Best speak to a lawyer regarding all of this.
Additional information supplied by David White, uploaded by LookUpStrata Admin:
Body Corporate – Late Penalties – Simple Interest Spreadsheet
Hi David
Thanks for your response.
It would be great to include a link to your spreadsheet in the article as a resource. Do you mind sending it through to me at nikkij@lookupstrata.com.au and I will upload it as a PDF at the bottom of your comment?