We understand the difficulties in locating strata rules and bylaws information. Not any more! We have placed everything you need together on one Strata Legislation page.
Access strata legislation | body corporate legislation | strata regulations by simply clicking below on your state or territory’s strata rules and bylaws section. We provide a summary of strata legislation and important Acts for your state or territory.
If you are after a general overview of strata, take a look at our What is Strata page. It’s a great place to start.
Feature Strata Rules and ByLaws Article
NSW: What By-laws Apply to My Strata Scheme?
Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Many lot owners, particular those in older strata schemes, do not know what strata rules, regulations and bylaws apply to their scheme. Lot owners may not be sure where to find their strata rules and bylaws. While the Secretary of the Owners Corporation is required to keep a record of all the by-laws in force in the scheme, this record may not always be accurate.
Most Recent Strata Legislation Articles from Our Blog
NSW Q&A: Process for changing gas cooktop to electric in strata - Question: Do we need approval and a by-law to replace our gas stove/cooktop with an electricity powered stove/cooktop?
QLD: Hard flooring in bodies corporate - Community title schemes can regulate hard flooring installations with acoustic ratings, but must ensure those ratings are reasonable, achievable, and don't create a de facto ban on such flooring.
For more information about strata rules, regulations and bylaws, including latest news & Q&As, visit our Strata By-Laws & Legislation page. We also have Information Pages on many other strata topics.