Published: 29th Oct 2019 | 7 Comments

QLD: Q&A Interest Charges on Overdue Strata Fees

Updated: 16th Aug 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 23rd Oct 2019 | 3 Comments

ACT: Q&A Commercial Use of Common Property

Updated: 09th Aug 2023

Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers

Published: 22nd Oct 2019 | 13 Comments

QLD: Q&A Appointing a Body Corporate Manager

Updated: 19th Feb 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 22nd Oct 2019 | 2 Comments

QLD: Q&A What Power Does a Subcommittee Have to Make Decisions?

Updated: 04th Sep 2023

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 22nd Oct 2019 | 19 Comments

VIC: Q&A Owners Corporation Manager’s Poor Behaviour

Updated: 11th Jul 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 22nd Oct 2019 | 2 Comments

WA: Q&A Should You Remove Asbestos from Your Strata Building?

Updated: 09th Aug 2023

Dakota Panetta

Published: 17th Oct 2019 | 2 Comments

VIC: Q&A Owners Corporation Levy Increases and Due Dates

Updated: 11th Jul 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 15th Oct 2019 | 0 Comments

SA: Q&A Apartment Building Evacuation Plans & Emergency Access

Updated: 09th Aug 2023

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 08th Oct 2019 | 0 Comments

ACT: Q&A Unit Entitlements, Proxy Votes and the Quorum

Updated: 09th Aug 2023

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 03rd Oct 2019 | 2 Comments

NSW: Q&A Evacuation Due to Strata Building Defects

Updated: 09th Apr 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 26th Sep 2019 | 0 Comments

WA: Q&A Just Purchased Strata and Frustrated by Lack of Communication

Updated: 09th Aug 2023

Strata Alliance

Published: 17th Sep 2019 | 2 Comments

QLD: Q&A Ins and Outs of Rental Pool Managers in Queensland Strata

Updated: 07th Mar 2024

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal

Published: 12th Sep 2019 | 0 Comments

NSW: Q&A What if My Lot Causes a Leak

Updated: 08th Apr 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 10th Sep 2019 | 23 Comments

WA: Q&A Procedure for Election or Removal of Council Members

Updated: 02nd Aug 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 05th Sep 2019 | 14 Comments

WA: Q&A What if we Don’t Have a Council of Owners?

Updated: 12th Mar 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 03rd Sep 2019 | 7 Comments

ACT: Q&A Is there a Code of Behaviour for Difficult Lot Owners?

Updated: 08th Dec 2023

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 03rd Sep 2019 | 12 Comments

WA: Q&A Who pays Insurance Excess? Lot Owner or Strata Company?

Updated: 11th Sep 2023

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 03rd Sep 2019 | 9 Comments

NSW: Q&A The Right to Access Your Strata Lot

Updated: 16th Sep 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 15th Aug 2019 | 0 Comments

QLD: Q&A Sharing Facilities in a Mixed Use Development

Updated: 29th Jul 2024

The LookUpStrata Team

Published: 15th Aug 2019 | 11 Comments

WA: Q&A What are the Strata Manager’s Duties and Do We Really Need One?

Updated: 16th Jul 2024

The LookUpStrata Team