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SA: New planning reform shares maintenance responsibilities

sa fire safety

This article about the new planning reforms for SA has been provided by Alan Short, Fire & Emergency Services SA Pty Ltd.

A completely new Form 3 – ESP Maintenance Certificate calls for maintenance contractors to co-sign reduces building owners’ risk of legal liabilities

The SA State Government has initiated a new planning reform which has updated the development application process for new buildings in metropolitan Adelaide.


A major part of the reform is a new version of the Form 3 – ESP Maintenance Certificate used for the maintenance of essential safety provisions. The new version differs from the previous version in a number of ways:

The requirement for this new building regulation is only for buildings that have been approved from March 2021. For buildings approved and built before March 2021 either version of the Form 3 may be used. It is not compulsory to change to the new form for older building stock.

Old form: Schedule 16 — Essential safety provisions Form 3 — Certificate of compliance with maintenance procedures for essential safetyprovisions

New form: Form 3 – ESP Maintenance verification

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This post appears in Strata News #528.

Alan Short Fire & Emergency Services SA Pty Ltd E: P: 08 8262 9245

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This article is not intended to be personal advice and you should not rely on it as a substitute for any form of advice.

This article has been republished with permission from the author and first appeared on the FESSA website.

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