LookUpStrata regularly partners with QLD strata professionals to hold informative strata webinars for our audience of lot owners, industry professionals and broader QLD readers. Our webinars usually feature Q&As where the panelist/s answer questions that have been submitted by our audience.
QLD: Demand Ethics: An owner’s path to a better body corporate | LookUpStrata – February 2025
Download the slides accompanying the presentations
Demand Ethics: An owner’s path to a better body corporate Slide Pack
Nicole Johnston
Strata Knowledge
E: nicole.strataknowledge@gmail.com
Tim Goulding and Nathan Francey
Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management
P: 1800 060 119 (freecall)
Shari Driver
Owners Corporation Network
E: enquiries@ocn.org.au
Tyrone Shandiman
Strata Insurance Solutions
E: tshandiman@iaa.net.au
P: 1300 554 165
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD: Unlocking YES: The Psychology of Effective Decision-Making in Body Corporates | Chris Irons, Strata Solve and William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – February 2025
Resources Mentioned in the Session
- The Hidden Traps in Decision Making – John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Raiffa
- Baden Central [2024] QBCCMCmr 270 (24 July 2024)
There is a general requirement that a body corporate and its committee and act reasonably when making a decision.There is considerable case law on reasonable decision-making in bodies corporate. The test for whether a decision is reasonable is objective. It is a question of fact, having regard to all the circumstances. Reasonable decision-making “…involves an evaluation of the known facts, circumstances and considerations that tend to have a rational bearing on the issue…” and “…requires that all relevant matters are taken into consideration and irrelevant ones are left out”. The person challenging a decision bears the onus of establishing that the body corporate failed to act reasonably.
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD: Is “Sorry” the hardest word? The role of apologies in strata | Chris Irons, Strata Solve and William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – October 2024
You can download the presentation and read more here: Beyond “Sorry”: Effective Communication Strategies for Strata Residents.
QLD: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities for Disability Access | Brendan Pitman, Grace Lawyers and William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – August 2024
You can download the presentation and read more about disability access in Queensland body corporates here.
QLD: The Power of Lot Owner Motions in a Body Corporate | Todd Garsden, Mahoneys and William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – July 2024
Todd Garsden from Mahoneys and Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate joined us to explain how lot owners have a powerful but little used tool at their disposal: owner motions.
Do you have ideas to suggest to your body corporate committee, but you feel like your voice isn’t being heard? Do you wish you could have a greater say in the decisions that affect your property and your community?
Today’s webinar provides owners with the knowledge to submit effective motions at body corporate meetings. Todd and Will outlined the power lot owners hold to submit motions and influence decisions. They also looked at best practices so you can craft clear, concise motions and achieve your desired outcome. Can you use AI to assist you write motions? We explored the potential benefits and surprising pitfalls. And we also covered when and why motions might be ruled out of order by the chair.
We also tackle this interesting question: Can the strata manager provide independent advice to a lot owner on drafting a motion for a General Meeting?
Resources mentioned during the video:
- WATCH QLD WEBINAR: New Regulation Modules with Todd Garsden, Mahoneys – March 2021
- WATCH NAT Can AI like ChatGPT help Strata Managers? Technology development expert Damien Healy and William Marquand from Tower Body Corporate – August 2023
- Submitting motions BCCM
- Drafting motions BCCM
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the Presentation
You can download the presentation here: Submissions of Lot Owner Motions
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD: Deter, or not Deter? Using by-laws as deterrents | Chris Irons, Strata Solve and Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal – May 2024
Chris Irons from Strata Solve and Frank Higginson from Hynes Legal joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to explore the rights, wrongs, and maybes of by-laws and whether their use as a deterrent can be just what your strata scheme needs to address a challenging situation.
We know that living in a strata scheme can sometimes bring its own set of challenges. Unruly pets, excessive noise, or parking disputes – just to name a few. What can be done to address these issues and create harmony?
That’s where bylaws come in! Bylaws can sometimes get a bad rap. Some see them as restrictive or a way to “punish” bad behaviour. What if we reframed the conversation? Can bylaws be used as a positive force? Frank and Chris cover the rights, the wrongs, and the “maybes.”
We also tackle this interesting question: Can a committee use a bylaw they know is technically “wrong” to encourage good behaviour?
Resources mentioned during the video:
- SCHEDULE 1A – Code of conduct for committee voting members
- SCHEDULE 2 – Code of conduct for body corporate managers and caretaking service contractors
- By-law enforcement applications – Practice Direction 6 BCCM
- Watch QLD: Body Corporate By-laws – Where, what and why Todd Garsden from Mahoneys, Sept 2023
- Watch Queensland Body Corporate Law Changes And What They Mean For You/a> Chris Irons from Strata Solve and Frank Higginson from Hynes Legal, Aug 2023
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the Presentation
You can download the presentation here: Deter, or not Deter? Using by-laws as deterrents presentation
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
E: frank.higginson@hyneslegal.com.au
P: 07 3193 0500
QLD: Simplifying the approval and dispute process when talking EV charging in strata | Chris Irons, Strata Solve and Nikki Jovicic, LookUpStrata – March 2024
Chris Irons from Strata Solve and Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata discuss the approval and dispute process when talking EV charging in body corporate buildings. What conversations about EV charging are, or are not, happening in your building?
As strata communities in Queensland face the need to accommodate EV charging infrastructure, it’s essential to understand the multifaceted issues surrounding approvals, governance, disputes, and resolution options.
Are there competing interests or are property agents and body corporate managers working for the same client?
During the session, Chris and Nikki address:
- Applying for approvals, presenting your case to the committee, wording the motion, getting the committee onboard
- Identify the emerging dispute flashpoints for EV in strata schemes
- Discuss the formal and informal options for resolving disputes about EV
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Watch NAT: Speak your best strata language – how the right language can make strata easier Strata Solve, Nov 2023
- Watch NSW + QLD: EV Charging and the importance of getting it right for your building Altogether Group, Jun 2023
- Watch QLD: Electric Cars in Strata Hynes Legal + Strata Solve, Nov 2022
- QLD: Electric vehicles Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management
- Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy
- Watch Lithium-ion Batteries in Strata OCN Webinar recording, Mar 2024
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the Presentation
You can download the presentation here: Simplifying the approval and dispute process when talking EV charging in strata
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
QLD: Creating harmony between owners and tenants in a body corporate | Will Marquand, Tower Body Corporate and Vicki Freame, Colibri Realty – February 2024
Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate and Vicki Freame from Colibri Realty talk about the relationship between body corporate managers and property agents. Why does tension exist between these two professions? Can they work together in harmony?
Are there competing interests or are property agents and body corporate managers working for the same client?
Will and Vicki discuss why disagreements can easily arise in tenancies for problems relating to:
- pets
- parking
- serving breaches
- removing problem residents from the property.
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Queensland Residential Tenancies Legislation
- Webinar recording Queensland Body Corporate Law Changes And What They Mean For You Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal and Chris Irons, Strata Solve. August 2023
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
Vicki Freame
Colibri Realty
E: vicki@colibrirealty.com.au
P: 0416 279 434
QLD: Body Corporate Spending Limits – The Breakdown | Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal – October 2023
We had a webinar with Frank back in July, talking about the differences between maintenance and improvements. In that session, lots of questions about spending limits were asked. A viewer requested we explore this topic in detail. So here we are!
Spending limits are complicated. Why? Because the rules and regulations are scattered throughout the legislation. But Frank reminds us that, although it’s a challenge to piece these rules together, they exist for a very good reason.
Specifically, Frank speaks about:
- Spending limits at committee and general meeting
- The major spending limit
- Emergency spending
- Some common exceptions
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Commissioner’s Office: Spending limits in a body corporate
- Webinar recording Maintenance vs Improvements What spending limits apply Frank Higginson from Hynes Legal
- Webinar recording Queensland Body Corporate Law Changes And What They Mean For You Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal and Chris Irons, Strata Solve. August 2023
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the Presentation
You can download Frank Higginson’s presentation here: Body corporate spending limits
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
E: frank.higginson@hyneslegal.com.au
P: 07 3193 0500
QLD: Body Corporate By-laws – Where, what and why? | Todd Garsden, Mahoneys – September 2023
In the realm of strata living, bylaws come in all shapes and sizes. Some body corporate communities have unique, tailor-made bylaws, while others rely on house rules to keep things in order. Can house rules be enforced the same as bylaws? How do you separate the valid bylaws from the invalid? And what’s the use of having bylaws if they’re left to gather dust on the shelf, unenforced and forgotten?
The where, what and why of by-laws:
- By-laws and house rules
- Why are there such variances between by-laws
- The Validity of by-laws:
- Regulation
- Limitations
- How to draft and prepare new by-laws
- Committee by-law enforcement steps:
- Step 1 – Contravention notice
- Step 2A – Conciliation
- Step 2B – Court
- Step 3 – Adjudication
- Enforcement as an owner
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Practice Direction 6: By-law enforcement applications
- Making sure your by-laws are correct
- By-law series Part 1 – What by-laws are legislated to provide for
- By-law series Part 2 – Limitations
- By-law series Part 3 – Bylaw limitations continued
- By-law series Part 4 – Enforcement
- Webinar recording Breaking Down Body Corporate Management Contracts William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate and Todd Garsden, Mahoneys
- Webinar recording Defects, Insurance Claims, Management Rights – Body Corporate Issues for 2023 Todd Garsden, Mahoneys
- Webinar recording Creative solutions to your body corporate parking problems William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate and Todd Garsden, Mahoneys
- Video Why is now a really good time to introduce a ‘No Smoking’ bylaw William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate and Chris Irons, Strata Solve
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the Presentation
You can download Todd Garsden’s presentation here: Body Corporate By-laws – Where, what and why?
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
QLD: Brave New Strata World? Strata Law Changes And What They Mean For You | Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal + Chris Irons, Strata Solve – August 2023
After many years of talking, Qld has a draft of new strata laws, representing some of the most significant changes to body corporate legislation in decades.
The proposed changes to body corporate law will:
- allow bodies corporate to make by-laws that prohibit smoking (including vapes) on common property or an outdoor area such as a balcony;
- make clear that regularly exposing a person in another unit or on common property to second-hand smoke is a nuisance, hazard and unreasonable interference that should not be occurring;
- prevent bodies corporate from making by-laws banning pets in community titles schemes;
- clarify and enhance the ability for bodies corporate to tow vehicles from common property in a timely manner;
- allow for an adjudicator to approve for a body corporate to put in place alternative insurance when it cannot comply with the required level of insurance for particular buildings;
- enhance by-law enforcement and access to records in more complex layered arrangements of community titles schemes;
- enhance the code of conduct for body corporate managers and caretaking service contractors; and
- clarify and streamline body corporate administrative and procedural matters.
Where are we at with the proposed changes, what does it mean for the Bill to be introduced to Parliament, and what happens now?
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Bill and Explanatory Note
- Media Release Key property reforms tackle sunset clauses, smoking and pets in units – The Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory
- Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 – 107 Counting of votes for majority resolution
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
E: frank.higginson@hyneslegal.com.au
P: 07 3193 0500
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
QLD: Maintenance vs Improvements: What is the difference and what spending limits apply? | Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal – July 2023
Frank Higginson from Hynes Legal joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss Maintenance vs Improvements: What is the difference and what spending limits apply?
What is the crucial difference between maintenance and improvements? Led by Frank Higginson, we explore the definitions and characteristics of maintenance and improvements, understanding how these classifications apply to lot property and common areas.
The session highlights the significance of the distinctions for lot owners and the body corporate, emphasising how decisions regarding maintenance and improvements impact legal and financial considerations, and the overall harmony of strata communities.
We also looked at the spending limits that apply to each.
This a grey area, so Frank provided some practical examples of what is maintenance and what is classed as an improvement. You may be surprised at where the line is drawn and why the distinction is important. And when it comes to spending limits, why haven’t these amounts been adjusted since the 1990s?
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 2020 –
- QLD Webinar: CCTV In Strata – Are You Being Watched? Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal and Chris Irons, Strata Solve
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the presentation
Download the presentation here: Maintenance vs improvement.
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
E: frank.higginson@hyneslegal.com.au
P: 07 3193 0500
QLD: Administrator Appointments in Strata – Restoring the ‘Function’ From Dysfunction | Chris Irons, Strata Solve – May 2023
Chris Irons from Strata Solve joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss administrator appointments in strata.
If your strata scheme doesn’t have a committee, or bills aren’t being paid, and problems are mounting, this is essential viewing.
Plenty of people think their strata scheme is dysfunctional and might benefit from having someone come in and restore order. Is that really the answer though? Are there better ways forward? Chris details what it means to have an administrator appointed.
- what is, and isn’t, a dysfunctional body corporate?
- the role of the administrator
- the risks involved in having an administrator appointed
- some alternatives worth considering
Chris provides a list of best practice tips to (hopefully) get your body corporate back on track.
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Challenge Accepted: Challenging People In Strata – And How To Deal With Them
- Practice Direction: Administrator appointments
- Couple on brink of losing home amid one of the country’s messiest body corporate wars.
Download the presentation here: Administrator Appointments in Strata – Restoring the ‘Function’ From Dysfunction.
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
QLD: Breaking Down Body Corporate Management Contracts | Todd Garsden, Mahoneys and Will Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – March 2023
Todd Garsden from Mahoneys and Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to talk about the ins and outs of body corporate contracts.
The complexity of Body Corporate management contracts regularly leads to confusion and disagreements over service and fees.
Todd and Will break down the standard clauses in a management agreement, covering:
- agreed vs professional services
- the level of indemnity the manager carries
- how you can end the relationship with your manager if things aren’t going well
- much more
Why are management contracts structured the way they are? Todd and Will provided a behind the scenes look at the reasons and they presented hints and tips on what to look for when reviewing your next agreement.
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Guide to managing building defects in Queensland
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the presentation here: Common clauses in a body corporate management contract.
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD: Defects, Insurance Claims, Management Rights – Body Corporate Issues for 2023 | Todd Garsden from Mahoneys – February 2023
Todd Garsden from Mahoneys joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss the big topics from 2022 and what effect they will have on the coming year.
What’s happening, what do you need to know, how are things changing? What effects will these changes have on the rest of 2023? We specifically concentrate on the three big ones! The suspected management rights changes, insurance claim delays and, defects and water damage. Todd’s presentation was followed by our regular discussion and Q&As.
For each topic, Todd provided an outline of the current problems, the rumours or discussion happening around the topic and his thoughts on the likely outcome!
- Management rights – there was significant discussion in 2022 about the term of management rights agreements. We will discuss the various options that may be considered regarding how these changes may take effect.
- Insurance claim delays – 12 months ago, the South East was inundated with rain and subsequent flooding. 2022 saw many insurance claims refused and delayed. Even those that were approved are yet to be addressed 12 months later.
- Defects and water damage – the rainfall over the last year has identified every leak in a Queensland strata building. This has led to many disputes over the responsibility for repairs.
- We even touch on Airbnb and cladding!
- Todd also provides quite a few important takeaways for each topic.
Resources mentioned during the video:
- Guide to managing building defects in Queensland
- Register for this Upcoming Webinar – NAT: Insurance premium increases in 2023 – Committee considerations with Tyrone Shandiman from Strata Insurance Solutions – Mar 2, 10 AM AEDT
- Register for this Upcoming Webinar – NAT: Changing the landscape of consumer protection with Morris Mellinger from Sedgwick and Corey Nugent from Resilience Insurance – Mar 9, 10 AM AEDT
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the guide from the presentation here: Queensland Bodies Corporate – What to expect in 2023 and follow along as Will talks you through the line items.
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
QLD: A Deep Dive Into Body Corporate Financials | Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate – November 2022
Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate joined Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata for a detailed look at a body corporate budget – what you can expect to see and why it’s there. Lot owners don’t always understand the budget. We’re here to change that in this practical session.
Will runs through practical examples using a sample budget, line by line. We talked about what your body corporate fees are made up of and whether these expenses are necessary. The session even included a few tips on how to control rising costs.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- Different managers have different approaches to setting the budget and that’s ok, as long as best practice is observed
- Your financials should show the Actuals, Yearly Budget and Next Year’s Budget
- Whether ‘pay on time discounts’ help or hinder a scheme
- Which line items make up your body corporate fees? What’s the difference between the Administration fee and Non-Contract fee? Ways to control the Non-Contract fees in your building.
- Have a question about your financials or don’t understand something? Ask your strata manager what that line item is made up of.
- How do you know how much to budget for an item?
- How to handle contingencies when the legislation states there are not to be any contingencies in the budget.
- What is a Safe Budget for the scheme? Is this the goal of your strata manager?
Resources mentioned during the video:
- QLD: Schemes with caretakers may be particularly affected by high inflation
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know whenever we upload videos to our YouTube channel.
Download the sample budget from the presentation here: Paradise Towers Budget Example and follow along as Will talks you through the line items.
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD: Recent Fire Licensing changes – Is your contractor qualified? | Stefan Bauer from Fire Matters – October 2022
Stefan Bauer from Fire Matters joined Will Marquand from Tower Body Corporate (on behalf of LookUpStrata) for a webinar on the recent fire licensing changes in Qld.
Recent Fire Licensing changes in Qld may leave Service Providers unlicensed and building occupiers legally vulnerable. Contrary to previous license changes that saw existing licenses transferred, the recent review requires some individuals and companies to upgrade their technical skills to perform the same work they were previously able to conduct.
Qld legislation requires the occupier/body corporate to ensure that the people and companies they engage are appropriately qualified. Find out how licensing changes may affect you.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- Who is responsible for confirming that a person or company is
- appropriately Licensed?
- Fire License Types
- Who needs what license?
- Implications of unlicenced Work
- How to conduct a License Check
Download the slide pack from the presentation here: Recent Fire Licensing changes in QLD.
Stefan Bauer
Fire Matters
E: sbauer@firematters.com.au
P: 07 3071 9088
QLD: Strata and Short-Term Letting: The Facts – And The Options | Michael Kleinschmidt, Stratum Legal + Chris Irons, Strata Solve – August 2022
Michael Kleinschmidt from Stratum Legal and Chris Irons from Strata Solve join Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to discuss facts and debate options for short-term letting such as Airbnb in QLD bodies corporate.
Brisbane City Council’s recent decision to levy as much as 50% extra onto rates for properties used for short-term lettings, such as Airbnb, highlights this issue’s growing challenges, particularly in strata schemes.
Michael and Chris approached short term letting from both the point of view of the owner with a short let apartment and the residents living with short term letting in their building. Hopefully, the presentation will provide you with a different view of short term letting.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- The range of regulatory approaches that have been undertaken in different places
- What the act says
- What adjudicators have said
- Who is responsible at what level?
- What does the future hold?
- Chris and Michael’s Top Tips to tackle short term letting problems.
Links mentioned during the video:
- Redman v The Proprietors – Fairway Island GTP 107328 [2020] QDC 68
- QFES Info Sheet: Electric vehicle charging stations
and electric vehicle carparks - Strata in Conversation Queensland – Kelly + Partners 2 Sept, 12 – 3 PM in Brisbane.
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Be the first to know our videos have gone live. We thank you!
Download the slide pack from the presentation here: Strata and Short-Term Letting: The Facts – And The Options.
Michael Kleinschmidt
Stratum Legal
E: info@stratumlegal.com.au
P: 07 5406 1282
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
QLD: Approval for Renovations, or ‘How not to pinch other people’s land’ | Michael Kleinschmidt, Stratum Legal – July 2022
Michael Kleinschmidt from Stratum Legal joins Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata to explore the approvals for renovations process plus discuss roadblocks, tips and tricks.
This Approval for Renovations webinar is a helpful guide for body corporate managers, committee members and lot owners dealing with proposed lot owner renovations. Michael shows you some of the tripwires to avoid.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- How preparing for a renovation proposal in advance will ensure your first time goes smoother, for everyone
- Getting into the detail of what is proposed, including understanding the detail you need and the detail you have
- Is this the renovation of a lot, or does it include common property or even, someone else’s lot?
- Is it enough to give approval by motion alone, or should you consider a deed?
- Why statutory easements, including utility infrastructure easements, can be your friend
- Much more including at least three pieces of “secret sauce lawyer info” and a couple of meanders down related topics such as how to handle requests for installing EV chargers (Hint, Michael has a unique solution for this…)
Links mentioned during the video:
- Katsikalis v. Body Corporate for “The Centre” [2009] QCA 77 (3 April 2009)
- QLD: Uncommon Property by Michael Kleinschmidt, Stratum Legal. If a lot owner enlarges one of their windows during renovations, does that require a resolution without dissent? The answer is yes, if part of that window is on the common property and the lot owner does not have pre-existing authority to make the change; for example under an exclusive use by-law.
- QLD Webinar: Ask Us Anything Solar in Strata with Stratum Legal
- NSW Webinar: Interpreting Your Strata Plan – Lot property and common property boundaries with Rod Smith, The Strata Collective
- Register for our upcoming QLD Webinar: Strata and Short-Term Letting: The Facts – And The Options with Michael Kleinschmidt, Stratum Legal and Chris Irons, Strata Solve
- QLD: Peak Strata Body Welcomes Schrinner Airbnb Announcement Don’t forget to take a look at the discussion on this post and add your thoughts and experiences
- Head over to the LookUpStrata YouTube Channel to subscribe, and like or comment on our videos. Find out about our videos first. We thank you!
Download the slide pack from the presentation here: Approval for Renovations, or ‘How not to pinch other people’s land’.
Michael Kleinschmidt
Stratum Legal
E: info@stratumlegal.com.au
P: 07 5406 1282
QLD: Creative solutions to your body corporate parking problems | Todd Garsden, Mahoneys and Will Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – May 2022
Todd Garsden, Mahoneys and Will Marquand, Tower Body Corporate join Nikki Jovicic from LookUpStrata for a webinar providing creative solutions to parking problems in your body corporate building.
Whether you live in a highrise, townhouse or duplex – bodies corporate experience parking problems caused by either residents, visitors and/or third parties! During the discussion, Todd and Will offer some practical solutions to these problems so you can get back to enjoying your strata lifestyle.
Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- The BIG ONE! Can you tow? If not, why not. Is towing an option?
- Can you restrict parking times for visitor parking bays?
- How do you turn common property into a parking space?
- What’s the definition of a vistor?
- What software packages are on the horizon to assist bodies corporate in dealing with parking issues?
- We share some case studies of creative solutions that are working in buildings.
Download the slide pack from the presentation here: Dealing with QLD Strata Parking Issues.
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
William Marquand
Tower Body Corporate
E: willmarquand@towerbodycorporate.com.au
P: 07 5609 4924
QLD & NSW: Embedded Energy Networks for Bodies Corporate Webinar + Q&A | Drew McKillican from Altogether Group – February 2022
The importance of knowing your obligations with Embedded Energy Networks
The presentation slides accompanying the session can be accessed via this link.
Drew McKillican
Altogether Group
E: DMcKillican@altogethergroup.com.au
QLD: CCTV in Strata + Q&A | Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal + Chris Irons, Strata Solve – Nov 2021
As well as their presentation about matters concerning CCTV in Strata, Frank and Chris also responded to many of the audience’s questions. Here are just some of the topics discussed during the session:
- Who can access CCTV footage and why?
- Fees charged to access the footage.
- Whether CCTV recordings are subject to privacy laws?
- Should your body corporate have a CCTV policy that all residents are aware of?
- How long do you need to keep CCTV recordings?
During the session, we mentioned the factsheet recently released by the BCCM. You can access the document here: Video Surveillance in a body corporate.
Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal
E: frank.higginson@hyneslegal.com.au
P: 07 3193 0500
Chris Irons
Strata Solve
E: chris@stratasolve.com.au
P: 0419 805 898
QLD: Caretaking Agreements and Extensions + Q&A | Jessica Cannon from Cannon + Co Law – Oct 2021
The information discussed during the session centred around whether a body corporate can reasonably say no to an extension/top up. Jessica shared her thoughts on the matter, explaining how in her opinion, there is already a cap that exists on caretaking and letting agreements – being the maximum 25-year term for Accommodation Module schemes and 10 year term for Standard Modules schemes.
Bodies corporate are under no obligation whatsoever to agree to subsequent rights or options to extend agreements.
- Bodies corporate do have a say, and are entitled to say ‘no’ to a motion that proposes to insert a subsequent right or option in the agreements.
- Committees can work with the Caretaker so that the variation supports both parties’ best interests.
As always, the presentation is followed by a short Q&A session where Jessica responds to some very interesting questions submitted by our audience on the topic.
The presentation accompanying the session can be accessed via this link.
Jessica Cannon
Cannon + Co Law
E: jessicacannon@cannonlaw.com.au
P: 07 5554 8560
QLD: Ask Us Anything Q&A | William Marquand, Tower Body Corporate – July 2021
QLD: Solar in Strata Q&A | Michael Kleinschmidt, Stratum Legal – May 2021
During the session, Michael references three flow charts:
- Installing Solar – as a Body Corporate
- Installing Solar – as a Lot Owner on Lot or Exclusive Use
- Installing Solar – as a Lot Owner on Common Property
The flow charts can be accessed here.
Michael Kleinschmidt from Stratum Legal also mentions a useful article, which can be accessed here: Ban the Banners, or not? Installation of Solar PV Cells in Strata
Michael Kleinschmidt
Stratum Legal
E: info@stratumlegal.com.au
P: 07 5406 1282
QLD: New Regulation Modules | Todd Garsden, Mahoneys – March 2021
Todd Garsden, Mahoneys produced a handy, free one page list of new motions that you can do download here: New Motions For A Body Corporate.
Todd Garsden
E: tgarsden@mahoneys.com.au
P: 07 3007 3753
QLD: Q&A Duplex Insurance | Tyrone Shandiman, Strata Insurance Solutions
QLD: Residential Tenancy Law Reform and COVID | Chris Irons and Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal + Rob Honeycombe, Bees Nees City Realty
QLD: Body Corporate Expenditure during COVID-19 – Admin and Sinking Funds | Chris Irons and Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
QLD: Strata Levies and COVID-19 – What do you need to know? | Chris Irons and Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
QLD: Terminating Management Rights Agreements Queensland | Mario Esera