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QLD: Q&A What are the requirements for running a business from a unit?

running a business from a unit

This article is about the requirements for running a business from a unit.

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Question: What are the requirements for running a business from a unit? I’m interested in starting a small commercial laundry service from my garage? What should I consider regarding potential noise, ventilation, parking, and insurance requirements?

What do you need to consider for running a business from a unit? I’d like to start a small commercial laundry service out of my garage. This would involve picking up and dropping off laundry for local businesses like restaurants and gyms. Is this allowed under the body corporate rules?

I’m concerned about the practical aspects of this. Given the lack of windows, do I need to install ventilation fans in the garage? And what are the specific insurance requirements for this type of business? Could I park my vehicles in the visitor car park without violating any rules? 

Finally, as a courtesy to my neighbours, should I inform them of my plans, especially considering the potential noise and activity?

Answer: Your first step is checking with your local council about your requirements and obligations.

You have raised several strata-related issues here, although I think your first step is checking with your local council about your requirements and obligations for running a home business. There may be several things to address before the strata issues, or which may produce further strata issues to consider.

Assuming you do so and can meet those requirements, some thoughts for you about the issues you raise below:

These issues don’t necessarily mean you cannot run the business from your lot. However, it does mean you should carefully consider your obligations as a lot owner and perhaps seek qualified advice if there are any doubts.

This is general information only and not legal advice.

Chris Irons Strata Solve E: P: 0419 805 898

This post appears in the November 2024 edition of The QLD Strata Magazine.

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Visit Maintenance and Common Property OR Strata Legislation QLD.

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