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NSW: Q&A Is the owners corporation required to provide a car wash bay?

NSW owners corporation car wash bay

This article about whether a NSW owners corporation is required to provide a car wash bay.

Question: Where do owners without an outside parking space wash their cars? In NSW, is the owners corporation required to provide a car wash bay?

Our 22 unit complex comprises villas, townhouses, units, and duplexes. Some lots have one garage with parking immediately outside the garage. These units wash their vehicles in the car space outside their garages.

Some lots have two garages. Where do the owners with two garages wash their cars? Is the owners corporation required to provide a common car wash bay?

Answer: We are not aware of any positive duty for an owners corporation to provide a common car washing bay.

We are not aware of any positive duty for an owners corporation to provide a common car washing bay (unless your development consent so stipulates).

Caution should be exercised when washing vehicles on the common property because of:

Leanne Habib Premium Strata E: P: 02 9281 6440

This post appears in Strata News #722.

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