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NAT: Unfair contracts, consumer protection and the impact on lot owners

Unfair contracts

This article and video explores the important discussion about unfair contracts, consumer protection and the impact on lot owners within the strata industry. We ask Todd Garsden, Partner at Mahoneys and Gerard Brody, an independent consultant working in the Consumer Advocacy, governance and public policy space for their thoughts.

Video: Unfair contracts, consumer protection and the impact on lot owners

We explore the complexities surrounding consumer protection and whether a body corporate or owners corporation qualifies as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

Recent concerns about unethical practices in the strata industry highlight the need for clarity and potential reform in this area.

Gerard explains the legalities of unfair contract terms and how the legislative framework applies (or doesn’t apply) to owners corporations. He’ll also explore solutions implemented in specific jurisdictions like Victoria and discuss potential reforms, both for contract terms and broader consumer protection measures.

Todd sheds light on how these issues might unfold in everyday strata management scenarios. He offers valuable insights for committee members who may encounter unfair contracts or be pressured to enter into them.

During the interview, we cover the following questions:

Todd Garsden Mahoneys E: P: 07 3007 3753

Gerard Brody Independent consultant Email

This post appears in Strata News #697.

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