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NAT: Pitfalls and benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia

benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia

Embedded networks offer a compelling solution for strata buildings in Australia seeking to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future. By centralising energy management and distribution within multi-tenanted complexes, embedded networks provide a range of benefits that can significantly improve the overall performance and value of strata properties. Lookupstrata recently held a free webinar about embedded networks in strata buildings presented by Joseph Arena from Network Energy Arena that explored the key pitfalls and benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia, including the potential to reduce energy costs, increase property value, enhance sustainability, and improve community engagement.

NAT: Unravelling Embedded Networks for Strata Buildings

What is an Embedded Network?

An embedded network is a private energy distribution system within a multi-tenanted building, such as a strata complex, retirement village, or shopping centre. It provides electricity, gas, hot water, and other utilities to individual units within the building.

Why are Embedded Networks Becoming Popular?

Embedded networks are becoming increasingly popular in Australia due to a combination of economic, environmental, and technological factors. By centralising energy management and distribution within multi-tenanted buildings, benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia include:

Potential Pitfalls

Despite the above benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia, they also present several challenges that strata committees should be aware of. These include:

Key Considerations for Strata Committees

Before deciding to implement an embedded network, strata committees should carefully consider several factors to ensure a successful outcome. These include:

Additional Considerations

Beyond the core factors discussed above, strata committees should also consider several additional aspects when evaluating an embedded network. First, it’s essential to assess the suitability of the building’s existing infrastructure. Some upgrades may be necessary to ensure efficient operation and compatibility with the new network. This could include improvements to electrical systems, metering equipment, or other relevant infrastructure components.

Second, effective community engagement is crucial for the success of an embedded network. Involving residents and stakeholders in the decision-making process helps to build consensus, address concerns, and ensure that the network aligns with the needs and preferences of the community. Open communication and transparency are essential for fostering trust and cooperation and to make the most of the potential benefits of embedded networks for strata buildings in Australia.

Finally, ongoing monitoring and evaluation are vital for ensuring that the embedded network continues to deliver the expected benefits. Regularly assessing the network’s performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making necessary adjustments can help to optimise its efficiency and effectiveness. This may involve tracking energy consumption, monitoring system performance, and evaluating the financial benefits realised by the strata.

By carefully considering these factors, strata committees can make informed decisions about whether an embedded network is the right choice for their building.

You can access details of the case studies mentioned during the webinar, the white paper Unravelling Embedded Networks for Strata plus plenty of other education material on Joseph Arena’s website: Embedded Network Arena.

Download the slideshow from the session

You can download a copy of the slide presentation from the session here: Unravelling Embedded Networks for Strata Buildings.

Presenter Joseph Arena Embedded Network Arena E: P: 1300 987 147

Article author:

The Lookupstrata Team

This post appears in Strata News #709.

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