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NAT: Lobbying in a Strata Community. How to Lobby Effectively

Owners Lobbying

Lobbying, a term often associated with government and large corporations, is a powerful tool that can be effectively utilised within strata communities. Understanding how to lobby in a strata community is essential for individuals and groups seeking to influence decision-making and achieve desired outcomes. We explore the topic of lobbying in a strata community with Chris Irons from Strata Solve in a recent webinar.

Table of Contents:

Question: Our committee has remained relatively unchanged for some time. This year, several new nominees have been added. Now that change is in the air, is it best to lobby as a group or as an individual, and what are the pros and cons of each strategy?

Answer: For larger buildings, the ticket approach is probably going to work.

You have to base that on where things are at the building. Some people would look at the idea of multiple changes on a committee negatively. They’d see it as an unnecessary change or a bit disruptive. Bear that in mind and make sure your lobbying message reflects that. The obvious lobbying message is ‘time for a fresh start’, ‘time for a fresh pair of eyes’.

As a group, it’s like having a ticket. The word ticket is used in politics a lot. You hear about putting forward the leadership ticket. Instead of promoting or voting for an individual, you are promoting and seeking votes for a team or a concept. I think it’s a little easier for a team than for an individual to promote a concept.

If there’s a big issue you want to push forward at your scheme, it is easier for three nominees to present that as a joint concept than it is for one person to do so. Then again, it might only be one person that needs to be on the committee or changed, so think about it that way.

As a group, you will have to go into some detail about what those nominees offer and why you’re putting them forward. It might be biographies, or it might be making them available. It will take a little more work because you’re herding more cats. Bear that in mind. For larger buildings, the ticket approach is probably going to work.

Chris Irons Strata Solve E: P: 0419 805 898

This post appears in Strata News #713.

NAT: Level Up Your Strata Game. How To Get What You Want! Strata Lobbying 101

Understanding the Basics of Strata Lobbying

Lobbying in the context of strata communities involves persuasion and influence to sway decisions in favour of specific individuals, groups, or proposals. It’s about effectively communicating your ideas and garnering support for your initiatives.

Dispelling Common Myths About Strata Lobbying

Before delving into strategies, it’s crucial to dispel common misconceptions about how to lobby in a strata community. Many believe it’s unethical or ineffective, but in reality, lobbying is a legitimate tool for achieving desired outcomes and enhancing property value.

Key Strategies: How to Lobby in a Strata Community

To master the art of lobbying in a strata community, consider the following strategies:

Lobbying for Different Stakeholders

The strategies for how to lobby in a strata community vary depending on the stakeholder involved.

Lobbying for Strata Elections

Strata elections present a unique opportunity to apply your lobbying skills. You can promote yourself or others as candidates, while also countering negative campaigns. Effective communication and relationship-building are crucial for success in strata elections.

Tips for Successful Strata Lobbying

To maximise the impact of your lobbying efforts, consider these additional tips:

By understanding how to lobby in a strata community and implementing these strategies, you can effectively influence decision-making and create a more desirable living environment for yourself and your neighbours.

Action Items to Get You Started

Interesting in using some of the tips and strategise mentioned in the webinar to help get what you want in your building? These action points can help to get you started:

  1. Understand the Power of Persuasion:
    • Recognise that lobbying is essentially about persuasion, and effective communication is key to influencing decisions.
    • Develop clear and compelling messages that resonate with your target audience.
    • Build strong relationships within the strata community to increase your influence.
  2. Plan and Prepare for Lobbying Efforts:
    • Define clear objectives for your lobbying campaign.
    • Identify key stakeholders and understand their perspectives.
    • Develop a strategic approach, considering potential challenges and opportunities.
  3. Maintain Ethical and Professional Conduct:
    • Avoid personal attacks and maintain a respectful tone throughout the lobbying process.
    • Be transparent and honest in your communications.
    • Adhere to the strata scheme’s bylaws and regulations.

What are your experiences with lobbying in your strata scheme? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Download the slideshow from the session

You can download a copy of the slide presentation from the session here: Get what you want. Strata Lobbying 101.

Presenter Chris Irons Strata Solve E: P: 0419 805 898

Article author:

The Lookupstrata Team

This post appears in Strata News #707.

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