- What are strata by-laws?
- Can I renovate my apartment? Do I need a ByLaw?
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Strata Rules and Strata By-Laws in Your State
We understand the difficulties in locating strata by-laws and rules information. Not any more! We have placed everything you need together on one page. Access our Strata Rules and By-laws page here.
Feature Articles
NSW: Q&A Issuing a Breach / Notices to Comply with a By Law
This article provides answers to common questions about NSW bylaw breaches such as “If a tenant breaches a by-law, whose name do we place on the notice to comply?” and “If committee members are breaching rules, how can we stop this?”
QLD: The golden rules of by-law enforcement
Enforcing by-laws is not an optional activity. Bylaws must be enforced, and the responsibility for their enforcement lies with the committee. There are a few golden rules that all committees must follow when it comes to bylaw enforcement.
Most Recent Strata By-Laws & Legislation Articles
QLD: Q&A Are WHS reports for strata schemes mandatory? - Question: What are the legal requirements for mandatory WHS reports for strata schemes? What recourse do lot owners have when a strata management company disregards their explicit instructions not to arrange a report?
WA Strata Titles Act 1985 Five-Year Statutory Review in 2025 - A recent webinar presented by Landgate and REIWA focused on the five-year statutory review of WA's Strata Titles Act 1985. The session aimed to provide an overview of the review's progress, particularly the outcomes of phase one public consultation.
Our articles and Q&As about Strata By-Laws & Legislation have been arranged by State
National Strata By-Laws & Legislation articles
New South Wales
Australian Capital Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
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